He held on

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Me and roger walked in, and told the others we were off to bed. They were all fine with it and juts continued their game.

"So are you alright rog??" I asked.

"I never meant what I did. I was drunk, it's a silly excuse and means nothing but truly I didn't mean for it to happen at all. Y/N I love you more than anyone in the world.." he started, looking down as a few more tears fell.

"Roger, I kinda knew you didn't mean it fully. Being drunk is a silly excuse. In fact it's absolute shit, I suppose I just hated the fact that I could see it and look at it in front of my eyes." I replied, I was even getting a bit teary eyed now. He looked at me, he thought I would just be angry with him.

"I knew you wouldn't have lasted with me anyway.." I said.

"How's that?" Roger asked.

"Earlier that night, Freddie had told me about Your past with girls. How you could never keep them. You had started going out more at night and being distant. I figured what was happening but didn't want to believe it. You confirmed my thoughts that night.." I said, now crying aswell.

"Those times i truly wasn't doing anything bad. I was out with old friends. I know we could never be as close as we were again..but can we be friends?" He asked.

I truly did still love him, but he had hurt me so much.

"Ye I suppose, I hope you know that you hurt me a lot that night." I said.

"Ye, I figured." He said.

"I still watched all your interviews though..that's how I found yous today. You weren't there but me and Fred went for a coffee." I said.

"Ye I'd gone to the toilet. I hated that interviewer. Kept asking about my love life." He scoffed.

"I know l..I saw. I also saw you wear that necklace you gave to me?" I said, looking at it.

"Ye, reminded me of you." He was near in tears again.

"Who was the person you were on about in the interviewer? The person who you'd 'always love'?" I asked.

"You." Was all he said, tears falling down his cheeks again.

When he was drunk he was more emotional. No matter what he was always more happy or more sad and so on. Nobody had ever really seen him cry.

We actually ended up falling asleep cuddling. We both needed the comforting.

I missed it. I missed knowing he was there, his hugs. Everything..but he still cheated. But even now, when he was drunk again he spoke of me as if I was still his. Still his girlfriend, even though I haven't been for a year. He still chose to treat me as if I was.

It made me happy, knowing he still cared for me as much as he did when we were a thing.

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