Sheer heart attack

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I was so happy that night. It wasn't anywhere near getting married but it felt like he'd juts given me his whole life. I promised I'd never take it off, and I was keeping that promise.

I jumped into bed early, I was quite tired. Roger jumped in beside me and cuddled up to me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer to him, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I take it you're going to sleep love?" He asked

"Yes rog, I'm a bit tired"

"Is it alright if I go out for a bit?"

"Of course rog, go do whatever you need to."

"Ok, goodnight love. Sleep well"

"Goodnight rog"

With that he kissed me again and went off. I fell asleep almost straight away.

~~time skip~~

When Roger got home it was quite late.

I had woken up and had the TV on.

"Hi love I'm back."

"Hello rog" I Said with a smile.

"Do you want anything? Some food? Yea? Coffee?"

"A coffee would be great love.. if that's alright?"

"Of course"

With that I went off to make his coffee.

When I got back, he said he had something to ask me.

"Y/N, do you want to help me write a song?"

"Omg yes rog that would be amazing" I said, I was bursting inside. This was so cool!!

"Ok..we'll start tomorrow I think. Or we could a bit tonight?"

"Ye let's start it tonight so we can get it finished quicker"

~I can't be bothered writing this whole section I'm really sorry but yous spend weeks planning and writing and planning and writing (you get the point) and make so many memories whilst writing it. The band all approve of it and say it will be in their next album (ik I've jumped a couple years).

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