Truth or dare

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Dinner wasn't too awkward, but it had been a year since I'd seen them last. So it wasn't like old times anymore.

We all ate our food quite quickly, with almost no conversation.

Brian had some beer, champagne and gin ready for anyone who wanted, and as it turns out we all almost got drunk.

Roger and Brian got completely wasted (just like the last time I'd seen them...)
Freddie was tipsy, John was sober but had 2 glasses of champagne I believe.
I was tipsy enough to be out of it, but sober to still know what was going on.

"Shall we play a game" Brian said, jumping to his feet.

"Yes! What shall we play then?" Freddie said.

"Truth or dare!!" Roger said, practically screaming it.

"Yous joining?" Brian asked me and John.

We looked at eachother. We might as well eh?

"Ye why not." I said as Brian held a hand out to help me up.

We went through to the living room and sat in a circle on the floor. Brian grabbed an empty beer bottle from before and placed it in the middle.

"Right. Whos going first?" He asked.

"I will darling!" Freddie replied.

He spun the bottle and it landed on John.

I could tell by the look on johns face he was not happy to have been chosen first.

"John my dear!! Truth or dare?"

"Uh...truth.." John replied.

John was never keen on truth or dare, thought it ruined some friendships.

"Who would you kiss out of everyone here?" Freddie asked.

"Um, idk. Any of yous if you mean in a friendly way?" He replied. He was so sweet about it.

"Ok if you say so darling." Freddie said with a smile.

John spun the bottle.


It landed on me. Ugh gods sake I hated when it was my turn.

"Y/N truth or dare?" John asked me.

There was no way I was going dare this soon. Who knew what would happen.

"Truth" I Said.

"Yous Are boring as hell tonight" roger said sipping another beer.

"At juts cause we ain't drunk rog." I replied.

He grunted.

"Why, have some beer Y/N" he said handing me a beer. 

I took it nonetheless. Might aswell.

"Ok anyways, um Y/N. Have you missed us?" John asked.

"You don't even know how much I've missed yous, I watched every interview, bought every album. The only way I found yous was that interview today." I replied. Sipping away at my beer.

Let's just say it wasnt only 1 beer I ended up having, and the game was getting more heated now.

I ended up drunk, which was a nice feeling but also not really.

"My turn!" Freddie shouted as he spun the bottle.

Round and round it went.

Slowly coming to a stop, it landed on me.

"Truth or dare dear?" He asked, with a small smirk.


Freddie let out a little chuckle, and eyed me up and down before continuing.

"I dare you, I know! Kiss Brian." His smirk turned into a huge grin. Brian and I were both drunk so it didn't bother either of us.

One person was bothered.

"C'mere bri." I said, before placing a sloppy kiss on his lips.

A scoff came from the other side of the room, and Roger stood up and walked out the house.

"You're a. brilliant kisser Y/N, I'll say that!" Brian said giving me a small smile.

"Ye, I don't think roger was too happy about it though." John said.

"You're right, I'll go check on him." I said, before standing up and putting what was left of my beer on the table.

I walked out to find him with a cigarette in his hand, he hadn't noticed me.

I walked over to him and just stood beside him.

"Want one?" He said, offering me a cigarette, he hadn't fully realised who it was. I took one, I wasn't sure what to say, What he'd want to hear.

I lit it and put it in my mouth.

"You alright rog?" Now he turned to look at me.

"Him?" Was all he said. I knew what he was in about.

"Roger don't even start about that for gods sake."

"I still love you Y/N, how could you?"

"How could I!? After what you did at that bar last year I don't think you can even start saying that!" I shouted back at him.

A tear fell from his eye. He looked up to try and stop any more from falling.

Drunk roger was always different from the roger anyone knew. He was more open.

"Can we talk about this inside?" He asked. Still sounding very sad.

"Of course, just me and you or the others aswell?" I asked.

"Just me and you please?"

"Ye that's fine, we can go to a spare room."

Rogers loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora