Opening up

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I tried to push him away. I couldn't fall for someone just to get my heart broken again. I didn't turn up to the bar for weeks, months even.. but I still saw Brian on his way home from the bar.

He spoke about Roger..said he missed me and wished he could see me again.

"Y/N you really need to come back, Roger doesn't seem the same now..." Brian said, with his head held down.

"Listen Brian, i would but I can't have the same thing happening.." I said. I didn't want anyone knowing but maybe Brian could help.

"If you wanted, you could come back to mine and we could talk?"

God his voice was so calm when he said that, I felt safe with him.

"I suppose..but you can't tell anyone. I've never said anything about it before.."

"No of course not! I wouldn't tell them anything said, now come on! It's cold out here!" He laughed and off yous went.

When we got back to his he made me some tea and we watched the TV for a bit, before him asking.

"So would you like to talk about it or do you want some more time?"

"I can talk about it now if that's alright with you.."

"Of course, but remember if you need to stop don't feel pressured to keep going ok?"

"Ok ye"

He turned the TV down a bit so he could hear me.

"Whenever you feel like it"

I waited a moment, i've never actually told anyone about this. It was harder than I  thought..

"When I was 15 I had a boyfriend, Kyle. He was lovely..we went out for meals, I stayed at his and he stayed at mine, his parents felt like my own..I thought he was the one.."

I started tearing up..even the thought of him.

Brian came over and opened his arms out for a hug,

"You don't have to continue if you don't want, I'm sure this is hard for you to open up about" he said, holding me.

I felt so safe with him, he was caring and everything.

"No it's day when I came home..he..he had about 3 women, all in different rooms. He was sleeping with one of them and the others were knocked out from drinking. He told the one he was with that he'd never been with anyone like her."

I was tearing up like mad now, but Brian was still holding me..

"I went through to him and just looked at him.."

"No baby, it's not what it looks like..I..I swear" is all he had to say to me..

At this point I was full on crying into Brian's shoulder, him holding me. Just listening to what I had to say.

The door opened..Brian wasn't expecting anyone but he didn't let go off me.

It was Roger..

He saw Brian holding me, and heard me crying.

"Brian what the fuck did you do to her!?" He almost screamed at Brian.

"Roger, can you give us a minute and I'll tell you what happened.."

Roger walked off to the spare room, in a huge huff.

"Y/N what should I tell him happened?" Brian said, looking down at me.

"You can tell him the truth..I don't mind. But don't tell him that's why I don't want to see him anymore or it'll raise suspicions.

With that he took me to the spare room and shoved Roger out of it.

"Y/N you can stay the night, can't have you walking back to yours at this time. Roger out now." Brian said, with Roger walking past him.

"I'll fucking kill you." Roger said, under his breath to Brian. I wasn't sure what made him think Brian did something but I left it.

I still had marks under my eyes from crying, I looked at the time. Jesus I'd been crying for 2 hours straight now.

I climbed into bed and within minutes I'd drifted off to sleep.

Rogers loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora