Disaster struck

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(TW- not too much spoiling but it gets a bit graphic! Just be warned)

When I get back Roger was in tears, shouting at the rest of the band.

"Fuck sake! Why does this have to happen! God if we never got drunk it's be fine! No actually John if you hadn't told her anything this would be fine! It's your fault!"

Roger lifted a glass bottle, ready to throw it at johns head. I was about to stop him but he'd already thrown it.

Life seemed to be moving in slow motion. This was my fault for running off.

John was in shock and could t move. He would get hit!

Without even thinking I ran in front of the bottle, screaming at roger.

There was a thud.

Rogers POV

*Oh god! No..no what have I done. No no no shit shit shit what do I do..what the fuck have I done...*

"FREDDIE CALL THE FUCKING AMBULANCE..QUICK CALL THEM" I screamed..the love of my life, sitting completely unconscious in my arms..barely breathing, glass everywhere.

My heart shattered. If I hadn't been so fucking angry this wouldn't have happened! Hid why am I so fucking stupid.

My voice broke saying that, I was crying, John was scared, he would never trust me again, she was in my lap..almost on the last breath, Freddie calling the ambulance, and Brian down on his knees with me.

"Listen rog..don't  be too hard on yourself." Brian said to me.

He didn't understand what she meant.

"No Brian, it's my fault, she could die and I'll be the reason. The night after telling her a love her and she could die!" I managed to say through tears.

John was crying now aswell, he had every right to aswell, I'd scared him shitless. It could have been him in the floor.. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"They're on their way.." Freddie said, walking back in the room.

"John, love I'm so sorry about all that, I really truly am, I'll never forgive myself. I truly didn't mean anything that happened. It's my fault." I really didn't want to make an enemy out of John. He'd always been there for me and now that I needed him the most he was scared of me.

He sat down next to me. He hugged me really tight and through many tears managed a little "I'm so sorry Roger, I didn't mean for this to happen."

Oh god he sounded so genuinely sorry and sad. None of this was his fault. It was mine, I shouldn't have been like that at all. I had no right!

"No John, none of this is your fault, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I never realised this could have been you on the floor. I'm so terribly sorry John I really am.."

We sat there and cried into each others shoulders. Y/N was right, he gave great hugs. But I couldn't imagine how she might be right now.

"Is she still breathing"

"Yes, just"


They put her on, and pulled her inside the ambulance.

"Yous can all come if you want"

We all went to the hospital. There was no way I wasn't going with her. It was my fault.

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