Glimpse 1; The Rumour

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3 years later, a car was driving down the empty street of a quiet neighbourhood, where a 20-year-old girl was sitting on the passenger seat and a 22-year-old boy was driving the car. The girl had her eyes on her phone, watching the navigation map displayed on her screen.

"Gege, the shop is just around this corner." The young woman pointed to the left; her name was Huang Jianhua. "The reviews here say they have nice stuff, I hope we can get something nice for our house." She smiled, reading the reviews.

"You're having fun," her older brother, Jianguo scoffed as he turned the corner, "Shoot, I have to find a better place to park..." he sighed when he saw there was no good parking places outside the shop they were headed to.

"You're right..." Jianhua agreed, "Well, this is a quiet neighbourhood pretty far from downtown."

"You can get out first, Jianhua-mei. I'll find a parking spot in the meantime," her brother told her.

"Okay," Jianhua stepped out of the car and towards the antique shop, she pushed the door open as her brother started driving in search of a parking. She paused from the silence in the shop that came after the bell above the door, nobody came to greet her and it confused her. But a moment later, her eyes fell on the young man sitting behind the counter. He was dressed in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, his elbows are on the counter and his left cheek rested on his arms, his eyes closed and he was lightly breathing, asleep. Jianhua noticed it when she stepped closer to the counter, "Wow, he's so handsome..." she was awestruck by the young man's appearance, she stayed to stare for a few seconds.

"Um, excuse-"

"Jianhua-mei, did you find anything?" Jianguo suddenly made a loud noise when he opened the door, it made both his sister and the young man jump.

"Gege, you scared me..." Jianhua deflated, while the young man rubbed his eye.

"Welcome to Yore Antiques," Haoyu was still half-awake as he spoke calmly.

"D-Do you have vases or any nice display items?" Jianhua stammered bashfully.

"Of course, there's a few nice vases at that section over there. Let me know if you're interested in any," Haoyu pointed to a section of the shop and smiled at the end.

"I will," Jianhua rushed away, while Jianguo sat down on one of the high chairs near the counter.

"So, you're an antique collector?" Jianguo decided to start a conversation with Haoyu.

"Something like that," Haoyu responded nonchalantly.

"Is business going that slow for you to fall asleep here?"

"I just enjoy sleeping, you know?" Haoyu smiled.

"Damn, that's quite the good-looks he has there." Jianguo thought, also noticed how good-looking Haoyu is. "Wait, you look around my age, aren't you supposed to be in university right now?" he realized.

"I graduated last year, now I'm working fulltime here."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 22,"

"Wow, we're the same age."

"Oh, I thought so."

"You're weirdly zen-calm, do you know that?"

"I get that a lot," Haoyu snickered.

"Gege," Jianhua came back, "There's a pretty vase over there, do you like it?" she seemed excited.

"Where?" Jianguo went to look, while Jianhua turned to Haoyu.

"Do you have any questions?" Haoyu gave her a smile, making her ears turn red.

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