Glimpse 2; Anomalous

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Mr. Liu parked his car outside Yore Antiques, he rushed to his trunk to take out a sealed plastic container before pushing open the shop's door with his shoulder. His excited face turned into confusion from the sight in front of him, Haoyu was asleep on his chair.

"Mr. Xiao?" Mr. Liu called as he placed down the plastic container on the counter, his call woken up the 22-year-old. "Was two hours of wait too long for you?" he asked as Haoyu rubbed his eyes.

"No, I just like to sleep, that's all." Haoyu yawned as he stepped closer to Mr. Liu, "These are the Ms. Zhou's belongings you just collected from her home?" he asked.

"Yes, I collected these from her home just now. I have a list right here, I asked for her family's guide just like you asked." Mr. Liu nodded as he placed a folded piece of paper on the counter.

"Exactly, the items she utilizes the most are the best ones." Haoyu opened the container to see the items inside, "You got a lot more than I thought," he seemed somewhat surprised.

"I have everything her parents told me she uses often," 

"Even her toothpaste?" Haoyu was utterly confused as he took out a half-used mint toothpaste.

"Every item might contain a clue, it's what I learned from my years as a police detective." Mr. Liu said as Haoyu unfolded the paper Mr. Liu put down on the counter, he started reading it.

"I appreciate you wrote detailed notes, information her family might've given you." Haoyu smirked slightly, as if finding it a bit comical. Meanwhile, Mr. Liu seemed doubtful, his expression shows how unsure he is of the situation.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao."

"Yes?" Haoyu looked up to him with a naïve expression.

"This is legitimate, right? You're not tricking me, are you?" Mr. Liu asked him, "You really can see the past in items, can you?" his questions seemed to take Haoyu by surprise.

"If it's not, why would I contact you and ask you to bring me these?" Haoyu smiled.

"Then why did you lie to me when I first asked you about the rumour? Why didn't you tell me it's true?"

"Sir, my ability is incomprehensible to those who don't possess it. And like I said, it's something anomalous, something that isn't supposed to exist in our world of reality." Haoyu explained, his smile turned utterly mysterious in Mr. Liu's eyes. "It's an experience for the user in of itself, it's bizarre, sometimes unpleasant."

"How is it like exactly?" Mr. Liu was curious.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you anything further about it, Mr. Liu." Haoyu smiled as he puts the lid back on the plastic container.


"Exactly. I don't remember you coming here with any intentions of questioning me," Haoyu's smirked widened, showing how cheeky he is. "Alright, thank you for dropping these off here, Mr. Liu." He took the container to put it down behind the counter.

"No problem," Mr. Liu was a little disappointed, but decided to let it slide for now.

"With these many items, I would like to take my time to analyse every single one for any clues regarding her case." Haoyu told him, "It will take me approximately two to three days to search through all of these, I'll contact you when I came to a conclusion and give you the details of my discovery."

"Sounds good," Mr. Liu nodded, "You're not going to sell them, are you?"

"Mr. Liu, I run an antique shop, not a second-hand shop." Haoyu seemed playfully offended, deadpan. "I'll see you out at your car, sir." He grinned right after.

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