Glimpse 32; Sad Talk

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The attorney turned around to meet Shanheng's calm eyes, "You wouldn't do that; you know I can make your life miserable."

"I'm aware of that, but I'm not afraid of you." Shanheng replied, stood his ground when Tu Wanglian marched to him and threw a punch at him. Shanheng didn't stumble or waver, simply wiped the blood from the edge of his lips before Tu Wanglian grabbed him by the collar.

"Should I remind you of your place?" Tu Wanglian was more than enraged, "Did you forget that you're a nobody?"

"I didn't, and I couldn't. But I'm done being your pet," Shanheng replied in a calm tone, "And it seems like currently, you're more fearful than I am."

"Why you-!" Tu Wanglian was about to throw another punch at Shanheng, but the doors swung open from a bang. It was kick, Wufei's to be exact and it seemed to shock everyone, including his right-hand man and the building's security officer who came with him.

"De-Detective Zhu...?" the law firm's security was surprised.

"I made a dramatic entrance for once, wasn't that cool?" Wufei turned to Chengxi, bug-eyed.

"What the hell are you doing...?" Chengxi face-palmed, somehow feels humiliated.

"What's going on here?" Tu Wanglian threw Shanheng aside as he asked, then Wufei gave him an arrogant smirk.

"You, were a real pain in my ass, sir." Wufei reached into his coat for a folded sheet of paper, then unfolded it to show the attorney. "Mr. Tu Wanglian, you are under arrest for the murder of Detective Chou, illegally selling weapons, bribery, conspiracy to commit murder, and fabricating a case."

"What?" Tu Wanglian was too stunned to speak, "What's your proof?"

"You want proof?" Wufei reached into his shoulder bag, took out a brown envelope and threw a handful of printed pictures into the air. They were pictures of the contents of Tu Wanglian's notebook and screenshots from the security footage of Mr. Chou's murder, dozens of them. "The judge you threatened didn't even hesitate to give me a warrant for your arrest when I showed her these, in fact, she seemed delighted."

"You..." Wanglian turned to Shanheng, seemed to have figured out that he had been ratted out.

"Alright, please don't resist arrest." Chengxi took out handcuffs and bounded Tu Wanglian's arms behind his back, "You have the right to remain silent, everything you said can be used against you in court."

"You don't know what you're doing-"

"Oh, I almost forgot." Wufei interrupted him with his loud voice, "Attempted murder, is also one of your charges~" He pointed to the left side of his head, where a patch was covering his graze injury.

"He's having too much fun with this..." Chengxi was baffled by Wufei's overjoy.

"Although I'm sure there's plenty more that you're guilty for, I'll stop there for now, or I might be here for a while." Wufei shrugged a shoulder, "One thing's for sure, you and your son, won't see the light of day ever again."

"There are more," Shanheng stood up properly, his collar crumpled. "I can disclose to you of every felony Tu-zong is involved in, expect my utmost cooperation, Detective Zhu."

"Is that so?" Wufei turned to him with a satisfied smile, "I'm looking forward to it, I love secrets~"


All who were involved with the fabrication of Huang Jianhua's murder case were detained, questioned and on their way to be given their respected punishments. Qi Shanheng too, was in handcuffs and an interrogation room. He had dark circles under his eyes and rubbed them with his bound hands, lowered his hands back on the table when Wufei entered the room. But the detective threw the items he was carrying onto the interrogation table, sat himself down and fell forwards onto the table with a bang. Confused silence from Shanheng is what followed, the pen he had thrown on the table rolled off and onto the floor, making a short string of noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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