Glimpse 9; Sshh...

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"That occurred only three minutes ago, I might be able to catch up." He rushed through the alley, running to the direction where the two men had taken Qiaohui.

"Let go of me!" Qiaohui was taken into the back of a van, where the cloth was removed from her mouth for a split second for the kidnappers to replace it with strong duct tape to silence her.

"They went this way..." Haoyu was thinking to himself as he followed the attack by touching the walls and other objects along the way, continuing his way calmly but as quick as possible.

"We have to wait for someone to come, he'll make it in five minutes." One of them said as the other was tying up Qiaohui with rope.

"Five minutes? That's so long, what if someone saw us when we took this chick??" the other asked when he finished tying up Qiaohui, who was scared for her life.

"Who are they? The mafia? Kidnappers? Murderers? Human traffickers??" Qiaohui was thinking of the worst possible things, just when Haoyu made it to the end of the alleyway and spotted a black van. Haoyu stepped back and hid himself behind the wall to avoid being seen, focusing with his hand on the wall.

"That's definitely where they are," Haoyu thought as his eyes alerted back to its dark colour, he took out his smartphone to dial the emergency number and he scanned his surroundings as he placed the call next to his ear. That moment, his eyes spotted a stack of old wooden crates and a slight smile rose on his face. "Bingo," he mumbled and quietly started tampering with the wooden crates, taking out the nails from the wood.

"Police sirens?!" one of the kidnappers panicked when they heard the sound of faint police sirens, that were getting louder and louder.

"Tsk, screw that guy! We gotta get out of here!" the other jumped to the driver's seat, started the car and stomped on the gas. But a loud pop was heard as soon as the car moved forward, startling the three in the vehicle. "What the hell was that?!"

"That was our tires!" the kidnapper sitting near Qiaohui felt the back of the car move downwards to the ground.

"Ugh!! Screw this bitch! We gotta scram!" the driver jumped out of the vehicle, followed by the second and they started running, leaving the back of the van opened.

"I have to get out," Qiaohui started moving like a worm towards the door, just when a figure appeared and startled her, thinking that the kidnappers came back for her or whoever the third person was had arrived.

"Qiaohui, it's me." Haoyu spoke with a comforting voice, making Qiaohui freeze. "It's alright, those kidnappers ran off far." Haoyu crawled onto the back of the van and reached to remove the tape from Qiaohui's mouth.

"Haoyu-xuezhang..." tears were oozing from her eyes, relieved and traumatized at the same time.

"Don't worry, I'll set you free." Haoyu said, and with a shard from a shattered glass bottle in his hand, used it to free Qiaohui from her restraints. "I managed to take out a good number of nails from those crates to put them in front and behind the back tires to make sure they won't be able to speed away when the cops came, I'm actually surprised I was able to do it effortlessly. And since I didn't have a sharp object with me, I found a glass bottle and waited for the van to move, the loud noise of the tires popping was enough to mask the shatter of a glass bottle." Haoyu recalled what he just did a few moments ago to ensure a rescue with no harm done, as he finished breaking off the ropes restraining Qiaohui with the bottle shard.

"T-Thank you so much, Haoyu-xuezhang." Qiaohui sobbed, still trembling from fear and shock.

"They didn't do anything to you, did they?" Haoyu placed his hand on her shoulder, and Qiaohui responded with a head shake. "That's good. Come on then, let's get you out of here." He smiled to comfort her and turned his back to her, allowing her to climb on his back and carry her out of the van on his back.

Yore Descry (昔日的描述)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora