Glimpse 22; Intruder

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The police detective's straightforward question caught Haoyu off guard, his right hand hidden from Wufei's sight by the counter twitched. Haoyu somehow managed to keep his cool and giving no reaction that the detective was expecting to see, it disappointed the detective in a way.

"Anonymous informant?"

"Someone Mr. Liu refers to as 'kiddo', he's been providing evidence to resolve cold or difficult disappearance and murder cases with unknown methods and sources." Wufei explained, "Mr. Liu uses his office phone to contact this mysterious stoolpigeon quite often, so I decided to trace his phone records and found during times he was in a call with the stoolpigeon, it all traced to this address and that telephone." He pointed to the box telephone next to Haoyu's cash register.

"These cops... they're always so annoying by doing these things simply because they can," Haoyu was very irritated deep down, but his facial expressions showed none of it. "What's with the anonymous informant? Are you troubled by him? Or are you simply curious?"

"I'm both troubled and curious; troubled because I fear Mr. Liu might be involved in shady business, and I'm curious because there's almost no place a civilian can get information that even the investigators aren't aware of." Wufei admitted with a shrug, "So, tell me. How do you do it, Mr. Xiao Haoyu?"

"You're fairly confident that this mystery stoolpigeon is me, are you?" Haoyu smiled, a tad and coolly.

"Well, it seems a lot more believable with the rumours going around about you, Mr. Xiao." Wufei said with a proud smile, "It's difficult for me to believe the supernatural, but seeing the past in objects? Where else would you be able to get considerably detailed information about locations, perpetrators, and timelines?"

"Are those the only reasons you're investigating to this extent? Not even bothering to think about how you're invading privacy?" Haoyu sighed heavily, "Whatever you're after, I'm not saying anything."

"I'll take that you're confirming my claims, Mr. Xiao." Wufei smiled, feeling triumphant. "Does that mean you also confirm the rumours?"

"What do you think?" Haoyu smiled back, "It might be true, or it might be not. Who knows?" he shrugged a shoulder as he placed the tea set back into its box.

"Alright, it's not like I'm going to send you to jail from knowing this." Wufei nonchalantly sat down on the chair in front of Haoyu as Jianhua was walking down the stairs when she overheard the conversation, it made her stop just behind the shelf.

"Huh? Haoyu-ge is the secret informant for the police??"

"Think about it, a police detective came in because of a rumour going around about Haoyu. It's not even an average gossip either, it's about something abnormal. And the fact that the officer came back and dropped off a container of 'junk' for him, then an unsolved crime miraculously had a lead out of nowhere and ended up getting solved in a matter of weeks. All of that together is too good to be called a coincidence,"

"Gege was right all along?" Jianhua placed her hand over her mouth, just as a dark figure emerged from the dark corner of the stairs behind her. Without making a noise, Zhiming stepped down until he was only two steps away from Jianhua. The young girl heard a light click, before a gentle and warm breeze blew from behind her. "Huh...? I'm getting... sleepy..." In two seconds, Jianhua went limp from the potent soporific breath Zhiming released. Zhiming caught her in his arms and gently carried her on his arms, then he took steps backwards back into the shadow-casted corner.

"I saw you at the trial for Tu Baihang a few days ago, I'll say, you have quite the admirable knowledge to represent yourself with a cheap lawyer." Wufei smirked, "You seem to have a good sense of justice too, I like you; our moral compasses don't seem far different."

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