Glimpse 30; Qi Shanheng

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The radio behind where Haoyu was sitting had been playing classical music for the past 30 minutes, had lulled the antiquarian to a nap on the counter.

"Good afternoon!" until Wufei disrupted the peace, that is.

"Good afternoon, Lao Wufei..." Haoyu sighed as he lifted his upper body up, his head slightly dizzy from the abrupt loud noise. "How's your head?"

"I'm doing just fine, the doctor said I can get around without this in a few days." Wufei beamed, "Thanks for helping me that day,"

"I'm relieved to see you as your usual self," Haoyu smiled back to the detective.

"Sorry to kill this nice atmosphere, but I have bad news." Wufei sighed as he sat down on the chair closest to Haoyu, "Our plan to intrude Tu Wanglian's office might be harder, our only help is no more."

"What happened?"

"He committed suicide, or should I say, forced to." Wufei told his opinion to Haoyu, "According to what Lao Jin told me, it seems like Mr. Chou was expecting something bad to go down, but he must've been forced to kill himself on the spot." He said, but then noticed Haoyu's mind seemed to be somewhere else.

"Speaking of Lao Jin, you came here alone again?"

"You haven't been paying attention to me, huh? Did wake-confusion get you?" Wufei groaned, "I took the bus and walked here,"

"Why is that?" Haoyu tilted his head slightly, "I don't mean to assume, but did you perchance dispute with him? I noticed your expression is rather troubled,"

"I guess I underestimated your insightfulness..." Wufei scoffed in surrender, "Ha-ha, you're right. I kinda had an argument with him today... So, I refused to let him drive me here."

"What did you argue about?"

"He wanted me to stop pursuing Tu Wanglian, because I almost got myself killed." Wufei replied, "What's the point in telling you that? Why am I telling you this??" he was as if confused of himself, while Haoyu stared at him with dull eyes.

"Now that I think about it, you're narrow-minded and immature in certain ways, Lao Wufei." Haoyu smiled in a pleasant way, but also in an obvious demeaning way.

"I know how petty I am, leave me alone!" Wufei hissed, "Remember I'm older than you, you brat." He growled at the antiquarian, playfully.

"He both looks and acts like a teenager..." Haoyu thought to himself.

"But at the same time, Lao Jin's starting to speak up about his opinion more. Even though we're not always on the same page, I'm glad he's getting more confident in himself." Wufei sighed with a smile, "Even though I introduce him as my right-hand man all the time, and we have our differences... He's my best friend,"

"That's nice," Haoyu smiled.

"-Anyway," Wufei blushed slightly and rushed to change the topic, "Mr. Chou's out, so we have to find another way." He placed the case file for Mr. Chou's suicide in front of Haoyu, letting him open and read, seeing the crime scene photos.

"I have a suggestion," Haoyu said in his calm tone, "Do you have the clothes he was wearing stored in evidence? Can you bring them to me?"

"But 24 hours already past, you won't be able to find anything."

"The last 24 hours my abilities go with is the last 24 hours the item was with its owner; the autopsy was performed only 5 hours after his death; therefore, I might be able to see the incident." Haoyu explained, "I'm hoping to see the incident and receive information that was spoken, I'm sure they had some sort of conversation that might give us details we can proceed from."

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