Glimpse 5; Shen Xiayan

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"Haoyu-ge?" Jianhua stopped when she noticed Haoyu had stopped, even Jianguo turned to see where Haoyu's eyes were at.

"Ah, sorry. I really need to use the restroom," Haoyu smiled slightly, then went out of sight at the side of the building in a quick pace.

"Is Haoyu-xuezhang okay?" Lingyun asked when the three came to greet him.

"He went to use the restroom," Jianhua responded.

"He's been a little weird today, if I'm being honest." Qiaohui added doubtfully, while Haoyu found a quiet place with nobody around to take out his smartphone and dial a number.

"You're speaking with police detective, Liu Ruoxian."

"Mr. Liu, you have to bring an arrest warrant. The address is B6 street number XI, a funeral home." Haoyu sounded in a hurry, which Mr. Liu quickly noticed.

"What is it? Did you see someone suspicious?" he was in high alert, as he gestured to his subordinates in the room to prepare an arrest warrant.

"It's the murderer himself, he's here as a guard at Han Lingrui's funeral. He's one of the two standing at the front gate," Haoyu was peeking out to see if the man was still there, which shocked Mr. Liu to a few seconds of silence.

"I'll be there as soon as possible, keep an eye on him for me." Mr. Liu sprung from his chair to reach for his coat.

"Sure thing,"

Soon enough, the peaceful funeral was destroyed by police cars screaming in sirens, a chase, then finally tackling of the man. The perpetrator was quickly taken into custody for questioning and brought away in an arrest car, leaving a few officers on the scene to calm down and explain to the crowd.

"We just taken in who we believe in the perpetrator in your son's case," Mr. Liu explained to Mr and Mrs. Han.


"The man by the name of Tao Douqin, was brought in for questioning yesterday afternoon and was interrogated for 3 hours until he finally made a full confession to the kidnapping and murder of Han Lingrui that took place 6 years prior. And the craziest thing, is that this murderer showed no remorse towards his actions."

"We were in complete shock by his boldness and arrogance to be a guard at the funeral of our son, our beloved boy he had murdered 6 years ago."

"I want him locked up behind bars forever for what he'd done to my brother,"

"Just this morning, the judge had declared him guilty in counts of first-degree murder, assault and kidnapping of a minor. He was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole," The case was closed with justice in two weeks when the trial ended with the judge's decision, and news outlets swarmed Lingyun and his family after they left the courthouse to interview them.

"I'll never forgive him, let him rot in jail."

"Whoa, journalists and news outlets are really quick..." Jianguo was at Haoyu's antique shop with Jianhua, watching the news on television in the shop.

"No remorse? That's just awful..." Jianhua shook her head.

"What a pain those reporters are..." Haoyu mumbled, apparently thinking about something else.

"You don't like cameras and microphones being shoved in your face, huh?" Jianguo snickered.

"That's right, I would've just taken off in my car." Haoyu rolled his eyes, just when he felt his smartphone vibrate. He took it out from the pocket of his jeans to see Lingyun's name on the screen.

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