Glimpse 6; The Stygian

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A few miles downtown, but at a small and isolated area was a small two-story house. Xiayan was walking down from the second floor as she tied up her hair into a bun, then stopping when she heard the door open.

"Welcome back, Zhiming~" Xiayan welcomed with a smile, none other than the man in all black and a gas mask, Stygian.

"It's 9 p.m., Xiayan. How come you're still full of energy?" the masked figure's filtered voice was heard as he took off his black boots.

"Where were you today? Stalking poor Haoyu again?" Xiayan pouted playfully.

"You're the one who went to see him today, right?" the young man she called Zhiming walked pass her, "I was out tracking down someone else, and I need your help now." He stopped just before the doorway to the kitchen.

"You got something for me?" Xiayan smirked, and Zhiming pulled out a zip-lock bag from his black coat to hand it to Xiayan.

"A handkerchief...?" a grimace surfaced on her face, "Eww! There're stains on it too!" she shrieked.

"That's the only thing I can get my hands on, princess." Zhiming sounded scowl.

"Ugh, fine..." Xiayan opened the bag and reached her fingers for the handkerchief, pulling her hand out as soon as she touched it. "I got it; you can have it back now." She shoved the bag back against Zhiming's chest for him to hold, then he followed her to another room where a gigantic cadastre world map was pinned up on a wall, covering almost the entire surface of that side of the room.

"He was last seen at Weifang a few hours ago, and he should've been home by now."

"You followed him all the way to Weifang?" Xiayan scoffed before she raised her hand to the map to touch it, then the palm of her hand luminated a dim blue light. Xiayan moved her hand along the country of China before the blue light died out, then she placed her index finger on an area of Shandong.

"South of Qingdao, right here." Xiayan's finger was at an exact spot of the city.

"Alright, thanks." Zhiming thanked her.

"I thought you were only tailing Haoyu, why are you following this person? You said he's not even one of us," Xiayan asked him as she placed her hands on her waist.

"I'm doing Xiao Haoyu a favour,"


Haoyu locked the door to his shop and got into his car, he was caught up in his train of thoughts and solemn, but he glanced to his rear-view mirror. A reflection of the alley was in sight, but there was nothing to see, so Haoyu started his car and began to drive downtown.

"Mr. Liu, you didn't talk about me outside of my shop, did you?"

"No, I didn't. The furthest I ever talked about you is saying 'I found someone who can help us',"

"You didn't get drunk and accidently blurted it out somewhere, right?"

"Of course not, it's been years since I had something alcoholic and I haven't broken it for my wife's sake." Haoyu was recalling the conversation he had with the police detective the previous day, "Why are you asking? Did something happen?"

"I have my doubts, but it's a relieve to know that you didn't break out agreement."

"It's odd, there's no way for this person to know about my abilities. There are rumours here and there, but they're vague and almost impossible to take seriously. Then again, Mr. Liu believed the rumour out of desperation. Maybe this person is the same, curious and wanting to know if it was true or not." Haoyu started to think deeply again, "I'm just stressing myself out, I'll think about it again later..." he sighed as he continued driving.

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