Glimpse 27; Doubt

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In the small hallway of the second floor, the blood pooled up in the middle and it smeared with footprints, that then continued to trail into the opened door of Jianguo's room. Haoyu felt his thoughts scattering, his vison disorienting, and his ears ringing; he felt like he could projectile vomit at any second. He couldn't think straight, even as he slowly and noiselessly continued his way to the end of the hallway, his socks soaking in the blood covering almost the entire floor of the small corridor. The acute scent of blood was fuelling Haoyu's anxiety within every step he took, the last thing he wanted was to find his friend dead.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." with only two steps away from the door, Haoyu heard rasped mumbles. Haoyu saw it from the small gap of the opened door, blood staining the floor and Jianguo was kneeling in the middle of the room, with a knife in his hands. "I'll be with you again soon..." Jianguo continued to mumble.

"What are you doing...?" Haoyu's calm voice startled Jianguo, it made him jolt and turn his head to the opened door. Haoyu saw the cuts and blood covering Jianguo's arms, it made his heart sink further than it already has.

"Why are you here when I don't need you to be, Haoyu? Of all times...?" Jianguo clenched the knife with his blood-covered hands, "Leave me alone, let me die..."

"He... He went there... That dark place..." was Haoyu's thoughts in the midst of his chaotic mind, "You know I can't do that,"

"You can... You're not even fazed, even after seeing all my blood to get here..." Jianguo slumped, "I can't live anymore, I don't want to... Not without my sister..."

"Put the knife down, Jianguo." Haoyu kneeled down next to his friend, slowly. "Jianhua wouldn't want this, wouldn't she? You need to live for her,"

"Shut up..."

"I'm here now, because I know that's what my parents want..." Haoyu said in a calm and comforting tone, "And with that, I got to meet you. I wouldn't have met you if I gave up to my sorrows, wouldn't I?" he gave his friend a gentle smile.

"No... You wouldn't have..."

"Exactly, you never know what the future holds for you. And turns out, there's other people who need me, a lot of them." Haoyu continued as he gently caressed Jianguo's back, "You're needed too, Jianguo. Your family, Lingyun, Qiaohui, and me... We all need you, Jianguo. There will always be people who need you,"

"Still, I don't see the point in living anymore..." Jianguo sobbed as Haoyu gently took the knife out of his hands and placed it aside, "Hua-mei's case is getting dismissed, I don't know what else to do anymore. I have nothing,"

"That's why, the fight isn't over." Haoyu said, "Let's make sure Jianhua gets the justice she deserves, you'll never know what great things can happen along the way. You'll meet new people, new friends, or even find your soulmate. I know life isn't fair, I agree, but that doesn't mean the rest of life will be awful. Maybe one day, you'll be able to look back and thank yourself for not giving up." He assured his friend with a kind smile, a smile that made Jianguo's eyes glimmer with life again.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Haoyu..." Jianguo's head hung as he wept, letting Haoyu hug him and pat his back gently.

"Let's patch you up, okay? Those cuts must sting,"

Haoyu contacted Jianguo's parents, who immediately drove there in a hurry to check up on him. Haoyu did his best to clean and dress Jianguo's wounds to stop it from bleeding further, but still advised his parents to take him to a hospital for further treatment.

"Thank you so much for saving him, Haoyu." Mrs. Huang hasn't stopped thanking him since she arrived, with tears running down her face and a hoarse voice from her trembling body. "You've been such a help to all of us, I don't know how to repay you."

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