Glimpse 18; Tranquility

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Haoyu felt his head throbbing, he heard trickles of water, the creaks of wood and rusting metal, and he smelled the vague scent of humidity. He slowly opened his eyes, twitching a few times from the pain on the right side of his head. The next moment, he smelled the scent of his own blood. His arms and legs were bound with what felt and sounded like chains, Haoyu took a moment to let his eyes adjust into the dark room.

"Where did that guy take me? My head hurts," Haoyu calmly scanned his surroundings, realizing he's the only one in the room, of what appears to be an old storage unit. There was a broken window right above him, that showed the night sky. "The sun's not out yet, judging from when the sun had set while I was driving, I'm guessing I've been out for 5 to 6 hours." He laid on his back and turned over to face the wall, he placed his hand on the floor and concentrated.

He glimpsed through within the last 24 hours, when the sun set, the room turned dark. There were no lights, the sole source of light for the abandoned room was the sun. Even after the sunlit disappeared, there were long few hours until the hooded man placed Haoyu in the room and shut the door. But this time, his hood was down, his face clear for Haoyu to see from the light outside the door of the abandoned room.

Haoyu was surprised, he hadn't been in the room for as long as he thought, only for a mere 3 hours from being unconscious for 6 hours. Without much thought, he next reached to clench the sleeve of his sweater, diving into its memories.

He relived from the time he was knocked unconscious with a metal baseball bat, even got to see the man throw all of his belongings in front of his door and his own blood on the pavement. Haoyu was also given the opportunity to witness the vehicle he was taken with, the black van, with the exact same plate numbers of the vehicle owned by the kidnappers he saw earlier that day. With that knowledge, Haoyu could think of a possible motive for his abduction.

The car ride was not short, he felt the road slowly turn bumpy, and the air turning humid. The car made a sole stop, that Haoyu immediately knew to be a gas station from the distinctive stench. Haoyu heard the car door open and close twice, indicating an exit and entrance before it started driving again. The air slowly smelt of salt, then it made a stop, after 3 hours of driving in entirety before the man took Haoyu out of the van.

When Haoyu was taken out of the van, the man took him into a dissolute silo at a location Haoyu couldn't specify. It was dark, he could see the dirt ground and the loud sound of water, waves to be exact. The warehouse wasn't well lit, but still enough for Haoyu to see his kidnapper walk pass a group of three men. And at the corner of the large roofed area, was the group of abducted girls he had saw earlier that day, shivering in fear and confusion.

"Please, don't hurt us..."

"Send us home, p-please."

"Be quiet, you're going to wake this son of a bitch up." The hooded man told the group of girls.

"Are we killing him?" one of the other men asked.

"What for? He's good-looking, I'm sure someone'll fetch him soon with a fine price." The man said, before opening the door to the room Haoyu was currently in and placed him there.

"I guess I have to find a way out of here soon," Haoyu thought, returning to reality without an ounce of fear shown, remaining unfazed and composed. He scanned the room once again, quickly spotting an axe at the corner of the room. "The hostages are outside, who knows what they've done to them during the past 3 hours..." hearing nobody, he calmly started rolling to the corner, doing the last two feet moving like a caterpillar.

Haoyu managed to sit up and with quite a struggle due to his long legs; rolling on his back and sides, he managed to position his bound arms from behind to front of him. As he carefully listened to his surroundings, Haoyu positioned the rusty axe's blade to face upwards. Then he parted his wrists as far away from each other as he raised them above his head, but before he could move another muscle, he heard rustling from outside the door. In a hurry, Haoyu fell on his side and rolled back to place.

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