Glimpse 3; A Missing Child

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"That was a great movie," the movie ended in two hours, Jianguo stretched his arms above his head as they walked out of the theatre.

"I wasn't expecting it to have jump-scares here and there," Haoyu chuckled.

"Me neither, geez, that was too much..." Jianhua was ashamed, remembering how much she gasped on her seat as she jumped with her brother. "How could you remain calm though? You're amazing," she remembered Haoyu only flinched in his seat, looking confused afterwards.

"I do like thriller and suspenseful movies, maybe I'm just used to it." Haoyu smiled.

"I guess you're right," Jianhua sighed.

"I have to go to the bathroom for a minute, do you mind?"

"Nah, take your time, buddy." Jianguo scoffed as he motioned Haoyu to go, and Haoyu left to go to the bathroom.

"Wait, where did my bracelet go??" Jianhua gasped.

"The one with the star pendant? You lost it?" Jianguo was confused seeing his sister frantically look around for the item.

"It was the one you got me for my birthday last year, where did it go??" Jianhua was visibly distressed.

"Calm down, we can look for it." Jianguo comforted his sister, "Let's check the room where we watched, maybe we can ask a staff to look for it too." He guided her back to the room where they just watched the movie.

Haoyu entered a stall in the men's bathroom and locked the door, he sat down on the closed toilet lid with a bracelet in his hand, the one he had quietly taken from Jianhua's wrist during the movie when she was entirely distracted by the big screen. Haoyu remembered, Jianhua has been wearing the bracelet ever since he first met her and hasn't taken off since, he easily assumed she wears the accessory often. Haoyu silently focused his eyes on the item in his hand, and dove his mind in to search through the memories within the item, he even got to see through Jianhua's point of view.

"It's not anywhere," Jianhua seemed unhappy when she walked out of the room with her brother, who was thanking the staff who helped them search the room.

"It's okay, I can get you a new one." Jianguo patted his sister's head, trying to cheer her up. "Let's go back, Haoyu is probably looking for us."

"There you are," Haoyu approached them at the hallway, "Why are you guys back here for?"

"We were searching for her bracelet, she lost in somewhere in here." Jianguo sighed.

"Are you talking about this?" Haoyu raised his hand to show the bracelet in his hand, which made the two siblings pause. "You went to the bathroom before we went in, remember? I found it at the hallway to the bathrooms," Haoyu gave Jianhua a lopsided smile.

"You're a life-saver, Haoyu-ge..." Jianhua was at the verge of tears from relieve, "Thank you so much, I'll be so upset if I lost it."

"At least you got a scare," Jianguo smirked, while Haoyu was silent, in his own train of thoughts. A bracelet is something trivial, left to wear around one's wrist. He was well aware of that fact when he decided to answer his own questions, he knew it was something easy to blatantly lie about.

"I'm glad I helped," Haoyu smiled as he watched Jianhua put on the bracelet, "But she did in fact, didn't see anything about my powers." He recalled the film of memories he saw in the item.


"Haoyu," It was an afternoon when Jianguo entered the antique shop, but he sighed when he saw Haoyu sleeping on his chair behind the counter. "Hey, wake up." Jianguo tapped Haoyu's shoulder, waking him up.

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