Glimpse 25; Incompetence

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Jianhua had passed, murdered by the attacker who was tackled on the scene by authorities, who arrived behind due to traffic. Her murderer was confirmed to be Tu Baihang, sent to prison and was set to go to trial for his horrible deed.

Jianhua's body was recovered from the scene, and the worst part, her brother and parents had to see and confirm her identity. They were only shown her face, but it was the stuff from nightmares. Despite the clear signs, an autopsy was done to confirm her cause of death. She had died from immense blood loss, and through her autopsy, it was discovered she was hit on the head repeatedly with a blunt object.

Meanwhile, Wufei was far from content of the outcomes. In his unbuttoned black suit and loosened tie, he marched down the hallway of offices, passing by lower ranked officers and startling them with his heavy and rushed steps as he passed by.

"Xiao Zhu, wait a minute-" Chengxi was wearing a similar attire, he followed behind his team leader until they reached a certain door, and Wufei stopped Chengxi by raising his hand.

"Stay here, Lao Jin. Don't try to stop me," Wufei gave his right-hand man a stern look, silencing him before Wufei pushed open the door and stepped into the office.

"Oh, Xiao Zhu. Do you need some-"

"I saw the press conference!" Wufei had marched into the office of the detective in charge of Jianhua's case, Mr. Chou. "Traffic is an unacceptable excuse!"

"Xiao Zhu, keep it down-"

"You could've used a helicopter to beat the traffic! We have it! You could've gone there to safe her!" Wufei was standing in front of his desk, upset. "How did you not think of-!"

"Xiao Zhu," Wufei was interrupted by the lead detective, "Think about it, why would we put so much effort for one single girl? Do you really think we're paid enough to do that?"

"Are you serious...??" Wufei was caught off guard, in disbelieve. "You did not just-"

"Her family doesn't even have a lot of money; they can't afford everything if we do decide to launch a helicopter." Mr. Chou said as he placed aside his documents, calmly.

"Her life was at stake!! So, you just let her die?! Are you telling me her life not important?! It was a life!" Wufei fumed, "She died because of your incompetence! Her blood is not only on Tu Baihang's hands, but on your hands as well!!"

"This is not just incompetence anymore; you don't care at all! You can't even do your job! And you had one job, that's to safe her!" Wufei continued, "You're just a spineless man! Who's all talk and only dares in their own turf!"

"Enough!" Mr. Chou stood from his chair and slammed his hands on the table, but it didn't make Wufei jolt. "You don't know what it's like to handle cases like there for years! Don't you understand that some things are just inevitable?!" the detective shouted.

"That wasn't inevitable, that was preventable!" Wufei argued, making rage ablaze visibly in Mr. Chou's eyes.

"I know we're in the same position, but don't disrespect me, you bastard!" Mr. Chou pointed his finger at Wufei, "You might be a genius, but always remember, you're a brat with no experience!"

Chengxi had been anxiously waiting outside the office, listening to Wufei's shouts as he bowed his head to everyone who passed by the door, confused. Chengxi sighed, only to jolt the next second from Wufei leaving the office harshly.

"Unbelievable!" Wufei huffed in anger, but then took a few deep breaths to calm himself before fixing his loose tie as his right-hand man didn't dare to open his mouth. "Whatever, let's just get going. We have somewhere else we need to be,"

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