Glimpse 7; People like Us

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"Zhiming!" After it was quiet, Xiayan rushed to the second floor after closing the bar.

"You took longer to close than usual," Zhiming responded to her calmly.

"It's because that group of nasty drunkards were here tonight, they're always such a pain to shoo away." Xiayan growled, "By the way, where's Haoyu? What did you do to him?"

"He's still asleep, I just blew him a medium dosage, so he should wake up in an hour or so." The Stygian responded, turning to the bed where he had tucked Haoyu under the covers of.

"Hhgh... You and your soporific breath..." Xiayan sighed, "Whatever, we have something else to discuss about, don't we?"

It was one of those days where Haoyu returned from high school, finding his grandparents sitting at the antique shop. His grandfather would be cleaning new archaic items, while his grandmother would either be knitting or doing pottery if she's upstairs. But that day, both of them were at the shop when Haoyu returned home from school, ringing the bell as he entered.

"Welcome home, Yu. Are you hungry?" his grandmother would frequently ask the same question.

"I can heat up and eat the leftovers from last night, you don't need to worry about me." Haoyu responded with a smile as he walked over to the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Hey, Yu. For college, why don't you stay at your home downtown again? It's way closer to the campus you applied for, right? It's about time you learn to be independent too, hm?" Haoyu's grandfather reached over the counter to ruffle his grandson's hair.

"But what about you two?"

"We're fine, Yu dear. We're just running this antique shop, it's not busy and we have plenty time to relax." His grandmother convinced him, "But you can come visit every weekend, grandma will cook your favourite dishes for you." She smiled to him.

"Okay, sounds good." Haoyu smiled slightly, before going upstairs to get something to eat. He heated up the leftovers he took from the fridge and plated it out for himself, walking down back stairs in hopes to eat at the shop area where his grandparents were at.

"I'm worried about Yuyu,"

"I know, which is why I think it's better to send him off for college. Chaoyu's home is still under my name and it's closer to his campus,"

"Yes, but..."

"I get that you're worried, but look at him now, he's less dependent on adults and he takes care of himself better than other teens his age. I'm sure there's nothing much to worry about,"

"I suppose so..."

"But then again, he's our only grandchild..."

Instead, Haoyu stopped behind the shelf and overheard his grandparents' conversation. He knew their intentions from the start of the conversation, they wanted him to be prepared to live on his own, not knowing when they will meet their ends. They want to see and know that their grandson will be fine without them around, assured, in hopes to have a more peaceful death when the time came. Haoyu never actually went to stay at his old home, the 'for sale' sign was kept there since he last saw it at 5 years old, the 18-year-old at the time insisted on staying at the antique shop, especially after his grandmother died. When his grandparents had passed not many years ago, Haoyu ended up staying at the antique shop and call that place his permanent home. It was his way of leaving the past behind, an attempt to move on, away from everything that reminded him of aching memories.

"Mm..." Haoyu was slowly waking up, opening his eyes and sitting up to a dizzy head. "Ugh, where am I...?" lightly disoriented, Haoyu rose from the bed and walked out of the room to the hallway of the second floor. He slowly recovered from his headache as he walked down the hallway to a door left slightly open, showing a ray of light from within the room.

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