Starting Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

How was it on 'Tales of Paris' so far? Great! I know it's proven that it has some chapters have low reads, but unlike last time, I'll never just gave up and quit. I'll do whatever I can to make something out of the ordinary to make sure you enjoyed my stories.

Anyways, this is it! The last story of the main triology. I've told you before that this isn't over for 'Tales of Paris' as a whole. 'Tales of Paris: Justice Served' is now in the works and I've now have ideas to make something out of the box lines to do so (Pretty much obvious that I'm not).

So, what does this mean for the future to the series under this story? Description wise, evidences are now offically shown and all points lead to Lila's involvement on the case. While problems arise with the recovery from the death and the funeral of Marinette, in which shown in the first two stories. Also, as I told you at the end of "The Mourning of Paris" that there's a plot twist in this book, and little clue: it involves to the notebook that Adrien gave to Joe.

Now, this uneasy feeling. On one side, I'm so glad to make this one a story that I've been worked on for months after I decided to delete all the stories back in March 2022, but on the other, at the same time I feel bad that this series that inspired from the very first story in Wattpad is about to end. Don't worry, my journey will continue after this.

Lastly, just like in between the epilouge of "The Heartbreak of Paris" and "The Mourning of Paris", the lines from the epilogue of the second book will be on this one, but no spoilers please.

Anyways, that's it in this author's note, and now the final journey begins. Hope you enjoy this last part of this story and I'll see you on the other side of it.


The Recovery of Paris (Tales of Paris Finale)Where stories live. Discover now