Chapter 8: The Offer

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After Jessica and Fei departed from the Roisy Airport, the friends have talked about their visit.

"I hope those two are okay with their trips back.," Joe said.

"You know, they enjoyed this place.," Luka said. "They enjoyed the food, the places, and our kindness towards them. It's very nice to see them coming here.," he added.

"Yeah, they likely enjoyed this city.," Adrien commented.

"I can hope on that again, as soon as they returned.," Chloe added.

Suddenly, Chloe receives a call from her father. Obviously, for a reason, she answered.

"Father? What called you here?," Chloe questioned.

"My daughter, classes at the François Dupont resumes tomorrow. You all needed to be ready for that.," says the mayor while on speaker.

The friends looked relieved, but at the same time being worried because this is the first time that Joe and Chloe's class will happened without the lovely and clumsy Marinette.

"Don't worry guys, everything will be okay.," the mayor added. "And Chloe, can I speak to Joe?"

"Okay, father."

Chloe gave her phone to Joe, as the rest of the friends leave.

"Mr. Gibson, I know it's hard for you to recover, but I have an offer for you."

"What is it, Mr. Mayor?," Joe asked.

"I can offer you a trip back to Austin, Texas and finish your scholarship there, if you can be involved in the interview.," Andre offered

"What interview?"

"The cops, Mr. Raincomprix and Ms. Blanchet, are having an interview with your class. That involves my daughters, and will not involve your Italian friends. Once you finish your interview, maybe I can call you and finish my offer to you.," the mayor added. "What do you say?"

"But what about Chloe?," Joe asked again. "I know she's going to be sad after I leave Paris."

"Don't worry, I already told her about that."

*flashback starts*

"Father, what brings us here?," Zoe asked.

"Girls, I kinda want to accept this kind of what I'm about to say.," Andre said.

"What is it?," both girls asked.

"About Joe Gibson."

"What's about Joe, father?," Chloe asked.

"I will offer him a trip back to Austin, Texas and finish his scholarship there, if he's willing."

"That's utterly ridiculous if he didn't accept that offer.," Chloe said.

"But what about his recovery?," Zoe asked.

"He needs to leave Paris, just to finish his scholarship, and also recovery.," Andre said. "I mean it's his dream to finish in the States. I can now offer him with that after the cops have interviewed him."

"I'm okay with that!," Zoe answered, and then looked at her sister.

"I don't know if he can accept that, unlike what I said earlier, but he needs to do it.," Chloe sadly said. "I mean it's for his recovery."


*end of flashback*

"Chloe was sadden that you're about to leave Paris.," Andre added.

"I can tell her about that.," Joe said. "I hope she can fully understand on what I'm about to say."

"So are you in?"

"Yeah, I'm in to your offer. Thanks!," Joe answered.

Joe was sadden about the offer, but he's willing to take risks, he wanted to do it. He don't want to separate with his friends, but he don't want to not finish his dream. Even if he doesn't want to leave, he needs to. But he understand how his friends might fell once he'll said that offer.


Word Count: 568 (Published: 08/26/23)

A/N: That's one clue on the plot twist.

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