Chapter 15: The Interviews (Part 5)

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Joe is the next person to get interviewed. Like Chloe and Alya, she saw Marinette's death second hand, but it was painful to him about her death, considering that he has to recover without his friends here in Paris within a few months, or even weeks. But it doesn't matter for him now, what matters the most is that Lila should pay for her sins against Marinette.

Joe arrives with confidence, and some say a little nervious, for this interview, but for him, he'll ignore those side comments in his mind just to be in this interview.

"Where were you when Marinette died?," Roger asked the first question.

"I was at my favorite coffee shop with Alya and Chloe, when suddenly, Mrs. Cheng called me.," Joe answered. "When I answered, she said the three of us come to the bakery, and when we came there, we saw her crying. That's when we started processing her death."

"That's why the three where there at that time.," Eva whispered. Roger heard it, so he stayed silent, but he knows it as well.

When asked about what went wrong on the Princess Justice side of things, by his point of view, Joe knows Lila is behind it as well.

"I saw Adrien and Alya at the east side of the Efiel Tower, and I heard Marinette crying like hell. Heck, I thought something's wrong, but I remembered about what happened, leading to Lila being the so-called 'victim' again.," Joe said.

"When the akuma came in, what did you do?," Roger asked.

"When I felt that something bad happened, and saw the akuma, I ran as fast back to my house, because there is another heroes mission, but I know Ladybug could be missing, so I stayed calm during that period.," Joe answered.

As the questions came in, so does Joe's answers, but the last one came to play and he knows he's ready to answer.

"Is there anything suspicious about Lila?," Roger asked.

"Actually, a lot.," Joe answered.

"Can you name a few?," Eva asked.

"Sure.," Joe confidently said, then he starts his tale.

"When I first arrived here in the Collège Françoise Dupont, Ms. Bustier told me that I need to sit beside Marinette, when Lila claimed that she did something bad to me.," he explained. "I explained that Marinette is being kind to me, so she did not believed at Lila, and she thanked me for that."

"Anything else?"

"A day before the Princess Justice tragedy, she told me that I need to shut up about what she's about to do."

*flashback starts*

Joe was returning home from the Collège Françoise Dupont, when an Italian stopped him.

It was Lila. Lila Rossi.

"Listen here, I need you to shut up just for tomorrow.," Lila threatened.

"Why is that, Italiana?," Joe questioned.

"I need to make sure that Marinette gets expluded for this school, so that Adrien is all mine, so else, I might include you as well.," Lila revealed her plan to Joe, and he feels like it doesn't look good.

"Seriously, just for a boy?! Are you insane?!," Joe shouted.

"Shh! I really wanted that girl to get out of my way, because she ruins every single life a person does, you understand?"

Lila walked but stopped when Joe says this:

"That's called lying and deframing! You might get arrested for deframing a person!"

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