Chapter 16: Secrets Revealed (Part 1)

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As the Nicole and the cops returned, excitement in the class erupted, as the case of Marinette's death looming forward, except for a certain Italian.

Lila lookes at Nicole very scarily, knowing this case is moving forward but at the same time thinking she should lie about the case.

"Nicole, I hope you didn't tell the truth. I really needed it.," she thought.

"Class, did you thanked the cops to get an interview?," Ma'am Bustier asked and the class approves. She then looked at the cops as Nicole went back to her seat.

"Thank you officers. Really appriciated it.," Ma'am Bustier said.

"Anytime, Mrs. Bustier.," Roger said.

As the cops leaved, the class looked in celebration, and Lila looked releaved.

After class, everyone went to their lockers, but Nicole approched someone.


"Nicole! What brings you here?," Joe responded.

"I would really like to talk to you, but I don't know where we should talk.," Nicole said.

Joe looked at Chloe, and it seems that the mayor's daughter agrees to something, since her and the rest of the friends seem releaved after the interviews earlier.

"You know, I know a place that produces the best coffee in Paris.," Joe said, refering to his favorite coffee shop. "Wanna come?," he asked, and Nicole agrees.

The two arrived at Joe's favorite coffee shop to have some chat.

"Señior Gibson, what brings you here?," the waiter said.

"Can I have two iced coffees please? One chocolate and-"

"Deux cafés glancé. Un chocolat et un café blanc.," the waited said, listing the order Joe and Nicole had.

"Oui, you got my order right.," Joe responded with a smile.

While waiting, Nicole found a table for her and Joe, and they started to talk.

"You know you have a sceret right?," Nicole asked.

"Me? Not really. Why?"

"I have this very deep sceret and I can't take it anymore since the death of Marinette.," Nicole said

"Go on. I would love to hear it.," Joe approved.

"Lila and I were once friends.," Nicole revealed her past. "Best friends, actually."

Joe didn't move from the bombshell that he just heard.

"But it can't be. She seems fine with Mario.," he thought.

"You can't be serious, Nicole, I don't know why you two became friends.," he spoke.

"That's why I need to tell this to the others for the first time, and Lila is known for lying.," Nicole answered. "But I'm not, it's the truth and she was kind before the election."

"Election?," Joe asked.

The iced coffees where now served as Nicole dropped the bombshell, this time, to Joe.

"At our school, there is a student council, and when Lila and I where in our third year, she was nominated for president.," Nicole revealed. "When she got nominated, she got really crazy with the attention that she wanted, and when she lost, she tought it was rigged, but it doesn't matter now. The reason why she started to lie because I broke my friendship to her."

Joe realized how much Lila's past hurt her so bad that her character changed, and she brang it to Paris.

"I-I-I never thought about that.," Joe said.

"On behalf of Lila, I'm sorry for what she've done to Marinette.," Nicole apologized.

"Va bene, va bene.," Joe said. "I also had a sceret, actually."

Nicole drank her choco iced coffee while Joe said his sceret.

"I might go back to America to finish my study there, and I never told Alya and Chloe yet."

"Why?," Nicole asked.

"I don't know.," Joe answered. "They might be sadden about that."

"Is it your dream to finish your studies in America?," Nicole asked again, while Joe drank his iced coffee, then nods in approval.

"You need to tell them, at least tonight, to ease their worries.," Nicole adviced, then stod up.

"I should better get going. Mario might be worried.," she added then left, leaving Joe alone.

"Maybe Nicole's right.," he thought. "They should know about this.," then he procceded to call Alya.

"Alya, can you and Chloe come at my house tonight?"


Word Count: 681 (Published: 09/17/23)

A/N: Maybe another bombshell?

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