Chapter 2: The Video Clip

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At the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, Joe, Alya and Chloe were meet with a conserned Roger and Eva, whose gave the USB to the trio.

"Wait a second. That's the USB I used to before.," Joe said. "How it came from Marinette's?," he asked.

"I think there's only one way to find out.," Eva said.

The five went to Marinette's bedroom, when there's the computer that it was there. Joe plugged the USB from the CPU and found a video file from Marinette.

"Joe, sorry that I found your USB and used it for my own good, but I need you to know this."

"That's from months ago, before Marinette's death!," Chloe shouted.

"Quiet, guys, I need to know the deeper information.," Joe said, and the video played on.

"I would know that Lila had giving me something that she would use against me in the coming weeks."

The video went on with some shocking news. A news that would leave a bad memory.

"Well, you all know what happened nine months ago, when I was akumatized. Lila really wanted to used it against me to rise her own fame, and defamed mine. But the truth is, she wanted me to die after all said was done. You might not hear it from afar, but before returning to Italy, she told me that once she comes back, she'll take what ever she can to bring me down, completely, and that I'll die after revealing it."

"How could she?," Joe said in frustration. "How could Lila do this?"

"But don't be angry about it. I just wanted to tell you that before I die and might wrote a letter for you, Alya and Chloe, I love you guys. You're the ones who really took care for me and you three conserned for me in the last couple of months."

The three were heartbroken after the wores came from Marinette in the video. But she had one more message.

"If I told you guys now about me dying, I would say that I love you as my best friends and will always be. Please take care of Adrien and the rest of the friends for me, okey? Bug out!"

The video ended with two words that Marinette used under her Ladybug persona, and it didn't look good from the trio's point of view.

"Lila really wanted to break Marinette up.," Chloe said in frustration.

"I can really tell you that.," Joe answered.

"What do we do now?," Alya asked.

"We will still have the investigation on notice.," Eva said. "We wanted more evidences, as Joe said before, to prove that Lila is the reason why she died."

"We can help you guys out.," Chloe said.

"You can't. It's dangerous if you three help. You still have classes.," Roger got worried.

"There is no word about resuming classes, so we can help. And if classes are resumed, if we have free time, we can help.," Joe explained.

"Ok, but be careful when searching for evidences, it could be dangerous.," Roger said. "If you three found something that might prove as an evidence, just call us, ok?"

"Okay!," the three answered.


Word Count: 526 (Published: 08/06/23)

A/N: No note.

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