Chapter 17: Scerets Revealed (Part 2)

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"Alya, can you and Chloe come at my house tonight?," Joe said. "I need to tell you two something."

At Joe's house, Alya and Chloe arrived at his room.

"Remember that if I could tell you something, maybe in the right time?," Joe asked Alya.

"Yeah, why?"

"The truth is that I'm leaving Paris to finish my studies in America.," Joe revealed his sceret.

Alya was shock to know that he had to return to America, while Chloe seemed normal, but inside, she knew it's heartbreaking to know.

"You know about this?," Alya asked the mayor's daughter after looking at her face.

"Yeah, I knew my father had something for Joe.," Chloe answered, then looked at Joe. "I mean your dream is to finish in Texas, and you almost let go of it.," she added.

"Yeah, since I fell in love with this city.," Joe answered. "If Marinette was here, she'll be heartbroken as well."

Alya refused to take Joe's word. "She'll be also heartbroken at first, but in the end, she'll be proud of you because you need to achive your dream."

But even thought it was actually a very wise advice from the vlogger, she seems sad about the revelation

"But you'll return, right?," Alya asked.

"Don't worry, I'll return as soon as I graduated.," Joe answered.

"My father asked the principal that once Lila is arrested, you're free to go, and you're ticket is ready at any time.," Chloe told Joe, in which is releaved.

He didn't know the reaction of the two girls, letting alone that they'll be heartbroken once more after Marinette's death, but he also knows that they respected his decision.

"Thanks for believing in me.," Joe said.

The next day, the class except Lila gathered, and Joe also said the same thing that she told Alya and Chloe the night before.

"Why did you tell us just now?," Nino asked.

"I might be scared that you might be sad about this.," Joe answered. "I hope you're not angry with me.," he pleaded.

"Angry? Of course not! We're proud of you, Joe!," Adrien said.

"If it wasn't for Marinette introduced you into the class, our bound seem a lot close.," Juleka said.

"And she'll be proud that you will finish your dream while we finish ours.," Nino said. "Right guys?"

Everyone seemed to agree with Nino, and respected Joe's decision as well, making the latter being teary-eyed for a little.

"Thanks guys.," Joe said. "I never thought you'll be so proud of me."

As the rest of the class went to their seats, Joe approched Nicole.

"Nicole, molte grazie.," Joe thankfully said.

"For what?"

"For letting me do this.," Joe said. "After all, you said yesterday that revealing my sceret would ease the worries, and it paved the way for that."

"It's nothing.," Nicole thankfully responed. "At least, they respected you decision.," she the added.

After their conversation, the two went back to their respective seats.


Word Count: 493 (Published: 09/23/23)

A/N: No note

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