Chapter 1: The Recovery & Investigation Begins

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Hours after the funeral, Joe and his friends came back to his house from the cementary. They do not look good, since eariler was the last time they saw Marinette, but it doesn't matter. They have to stop thinking about what happened, and start to think of recovery. Recovery from the tragedy. Recovery from Marinette Dupain-Cheng's death.

"I guess recovery begins today.," Mattia said.

Joe sadly sighed.

"Yeah, it was.," Joe sadly said. "It's really considerate to do so.," he added with a smile. A sad smile.

After a couple of minutes, Alya and Chloe talked about what happened when they discovered Marinette's death, alongside Joe, and how they wanted to recover from it.

"It's already sad to see our best friend go.," Alya said.

"Yeah, it was.," Chloe sadly said. "We must start our recovery from it. Even without her, we need to stay strong, as Joe said.," the mayor's daughter added.

On the other hand, at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, Roger and Eva quickly continues the investigation on the incident weeks prior. It wasn't going as planned because of the preparations, the mourning and the funeral, now the duo have to restart the investigation.

"Roger, any clues yet?," Eva asked.

"Not yet.," Roger answered. "I haven't find anything from here.," he added, refering to Marinette's room, from where he is.

Suddenly, he discovered something small. Eva came to the room to discover it as well.

"A USB? But Marinette isn't that techy unlike Alya and Joe.," Roger told Eva.

"Maybe you should call them about this?," Eva said. Roger nods, agreeing.

Back at Joe's house, Alya and Nicole were talking about the latter's stories with Mario against Lila, when the phone of the former rings up.

"Alya, your phone. You need to answer it.," Nicole told the vlogger.

Alya answered a call from Roger and he recommends her and Joe to come to the bakery. After the call, she approched the Filipino.

"Joe, I think you need to come with me at the bakery.," Alya said. "Roger told me something.," she added.

"Something about what?," Joe asked.

"I don't know.," Alya answered. "He didn't told me the details. I guess we'll find out about it in the bakery."

Suddenly, Chloe arrived.

"Alya, Joe. I heard from Sabrina that her father discovered something that would move the case forward.," Chloe said.

"I guess it's from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, as Alya mentioned.," Joe said in disbelief.

"Why is that?," both girls asked.

"Well, it could be from Marinette's suicide case, as the location got dropped from Mr. Raincomprix' point of view.," Joe answered.

"We should plan this, right?," Chloe asked.

"I think I have an idea."


Word Count: 448 (Published: 08/05/23)

A/N: That idea is on to the next chapter!

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