Chapter 16

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Siri POV

I've been with BTS for about 3 months now and things have been going really well with the boys. I've gotten close to all of them in our own special way and I feel like I'm part of their Bangtan family.

I bonded with Jin over food and when we're cooking together. Sometimes we can't help but fuck in the kitchen, even though he's a clean freak. Or when we go grocery shopping together, we will fuck in the car in a parking lot.

Yoongi and I bonded over guns and shooting. When we're at their private shooting range, we always find the time to make-out and fuck on the table with all the guns laid out. We've been on a few sniper missions together already and have fucked on top of buildings while waiting for our target to turn up. We get there early to set up so we can use that time to 'connect'.

With Hobi, we got close over shopping. He's the shopaholic out of everyone and I've gone with him a few times. We've ended up fucking in the changing rooms or disabled toilets. I know it's not allowed but we don't give a fuck. And getting caught is the fun part. It leaves people flustered and embarrassed.

With Namjoon, I liked to be there for him after I know he's had a hard day. I'd give him massages and he'd open up to me bit by bit. Slowly trusting me. Those massages of course lead to sex as my hands 'wander' around his toned body.

Jimin and I bond through dancing. Sometimes when it's just us in the house or when there's a spare moment to exercise or train, he and I will go down to their gym which also has a room connected to it like a ballet studio. We dance to anything and everything together. Move sensually as one. Sometimes that leads to us fucking on the floor or he fucks me against the mirror wall.

When he's not hacking into things, I bonded with Taehyung over his art. He asked me one day if I could model for him for a few things he has in mind. Some of those involved painting or drawing me naked. Which of course, would always lead to sex. We actually made beautiful art once when he put paint on both our bodies and we had sex on a sheet. The result was our hand, body and ass prints smeared and smudged in different colours.

And with my favourite, my Jungkook. We got closer through my motorbike. I came home one day with my snazzy sports motorbike and his eyes lit up like a little kid and he asked to go for a ride. Of course I can't say no to my favourite so I would take him out to places and I taught him how to ride it. We would go to beaches or secluded parks and eat ice-cream or snacks together. Each time we went out, we ended up having sex. Whether that be against a tree, on the beach, on the grass, on a park bench, over a fence, on a playground, or even on my motorbike. We just couldn't keep our hands off each other.

It will actually be 100 days of me being part of Bangtan in 2 weeks and I thought I would celebrate it like Korean couples do on their 100 day anniversary.

I decided I would get each of my boys a gift to show them how much I care for them. I've planned to get all of them a golden desert eagle gun that will have their names engraved on it. I called up Mila to help me order them.

"OK, so seven golden desert eagles?"

"Yes. With their code names engraved on both sides of the barrel."

"That's so sweet."

"I know! I can't wait! The seven of them are so going to die!"

"Yeah like instead of 'it's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!!", they'll be like 'holy shit this is so cool I'm gonna die!!!' They'll totally love you. You should put each of the guns in a nice fancy gun case too."

"Ooo that's a great idea! I'll put each of them in a nice wooden box. Can you make it so the boxes have a purple silk lining so they fit in snugly? Let's have the box engraved with their code names on top too so they don't get mixed up."

"Did you want a slot for bullets too?"

"Bullets? Hmm... yeah, I'll put some bullets into them."

"Great. I'll order those for you. I'll let you know when they arrive."

"Will they arrive before 2 weeks? I have to do it on that day."

"Our gun guy is pretty good. I'll make sure he express delivers it."

"Awesome! Thanks Mila! Catch ya later!"


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