The Beast Talk Part 2

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"Seonghwa," They both say I removed my hands and looked at them they both were concerned. "Just tell us what you want us to do" "San!" "Woo shut up you seem hornier than Seonghwa now shush" "When were....ack San" "I said shut up!" "Oh gosh" "I mean it" "San you have sharp teeth now" "What?" "He's right you do" "Whoa dude that means ack San please" "I said shut up and let me continue talking" "Oh gosh please don't tell me I'm literally going to be the carrier of both your guys' kids" San looked at me I looked back at him. "What I mean is that it's clear you have to tell us something and we will do what you want of us to protect the clan and you" "Jeus I really am going to be carrying your guys's kids" "I need you both to keep what happened yesterday to yourself as in the part of knowing I'm a beastman or the fact that you guys have powers" "What the heck" "Humans aren't supposed to understand beastman but you two are a different story"  "'s because we got fucked by The King of Beastman himself" "It was before that" "And you're telling us now because we know about you being a beastman" "Yeah" "Smart move" "San!" "What  this only means that three of us have to trust each other in order for our relationship to stay the way it's" 

"But powers" "Also I'm still trying to figure out who you two can actually call your friends" "Oh shit" "But also information like this seems like only something only the three of us should know about" "Yeah agree" "Woo?" "W-What" "Your face" "I don't know what's happening at all" "I think Wooyoung might actually be the main female" "Wait that means I will be carrying your guys's kids then" "It seems that way" "But so can I" "How?" "Because it's very clear Seonghwa is the guy in our relationship Woo" "This is wried won't that mean that even San and I might end up also having kids of our own" "Can we please not think this through" San says "We can't predict the future we're just saying so far it's looking at you'll be the carrier of wolf puppies" Wooyoung blushes even more and hides is face "Heyjilo" "Shut the freak up uh no please not the both of you pleas my heart can't take this at all" "I'm only holding you" "Sanie please you know that one of my sensitive spots" "I'm enjoying this too much" "And you called me the horny one look at yo.." Wooyoung looked San and I blushe even more. "No you two please not today please no I need to move around tomorrow I have only two classes then I can be yours" "I don't think you'll survive tomorrow" "Oh fuck that's right I seat with you both in each of those classes god dammit" "Look at this way" I say "It means you'll be the spoiled little princess you've always dream of being" "Seo.." "Seonghwa" "Hehe too easy giving him kisses" "Stop please the both of you knock it off right now try to mange until tomorrow" 

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