He's Back? Part 2

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"It's those wolves again" "They're around Seonghwa" Seonghwa sat there eyes closed the wolves roamed as if they were protecting Seonghwa while he took a nap. "Animals like these shouldn't they be in the mountains?" "I think these one might belong to Seonghwa" "Oh my I see" The lady Professor looks at them and smiles soflty "No one means harm to him everyone is just curious about you guys being around him" Seonghwa's alarm goes off the wolves peeks their heads at him. He looks at his phone then moves laugh.

"Keyio, Veilo, Mayian, Deymia I'll see you guys at home thanks for guarding me go back home safely" The four wolves then runs off Seonghwa grabs up his phone and calls someone. "Teian myso gyioas mhm hokgo maisu beyiso um four of them Keyio, Veilo, Mayian, Deymia keep them out of harms way until Saturday. Haijo! Yes I told Mom and Dad I would attend so please keep the wolves safe for me. Ehn no I'm around people it's embarrassing Eh Oh okay well...Gajin le kao Iyhjo there see you on Saturday so I can crush you  and Feyia in Mario Party hahah bye bye" Seonghwa laughs and ends the call. "Omasu wa deyian" Seonghwa shields his head with his history notebook. "Pretty sure he said Damm it's too hot" We all laughed. "Pretty sure especially since he shielded his head with his notebook" "He should just wear sunscreen and glasses if he's that sensitive to sunlight" "He probably does but is probably being stubborn" "It only makes him hotter though" "Fucking simp" "Shut the fudge up you're also dating him too" "Okay and?"

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