A Day Created For Seonghwa

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"There he goes" Seonghwa was there fixing disbality student's chai right on the walkway with a tool kit and everything. "You should be all good to go now Katie" She hugs Seonghwa tightly "Thank you so much Seonghwa here" "Katie!" "See Ya Nekomori-Senpai!" "Ahhhh" "Wooyoung stop being a baby" "How can you ahhh yah you...boyfriend?!" Seonghwa placed the glass parts into a bag opened the med kit and stitched up Wooyoung on the spot. "Go to the hospital your schedule unforntaly since my kit is just a mini basic one I don't own the device that dects if earth metal is in your system" "Seonghwa thank you" "Just call me if anything else happens" "Will do" He grabbed up both of his kits and walked away "He's so cool" "I don't know what we would've done if Seonghwa didn't go to our college" "Yeah but a mini med kit even sitched Wooyoung up" "I did hear he got his medical license" "But isn't that over 4 years of medical school" "Yeah but he got nusrse liscinse" "Ohhhhh" "So like sitches, shots, bandaging and wrapping" "Yeah" "That's so cool we literally have an actual hero on our campus" "Is he even getting paid" "People better be freaking buying him Seonghwa does so much and we didn't realize it" "Yeah I know al this time we thought there was just a nurse that just had her own min office in the union somewhere but no it's been Nekomori-Senpai all this time" "Okay but fixing Katie's wheel chair?!" "His dad was in a war his dad didn't lose his legs but his dad was inructed to be in a wheelchair for a while" "Whoaaa" "Nekomori-Senpai he may look like a guy that causes fights and wars but in reality he's just a really kind and caring person" "He doesn't even ask us for anything" "It's probably because he's just happy knowing that he can help those around him I mean a lot of us knew him from high school but others just knew him because of the times he's been to school events and clubs" "Yeah" "Nekomori is so cool" "I know right" "We should do a day where we just thank him" "We can do October" Everyone looked at Wooyoung "Seonghwa's second favorite month is October his love for the scary, the spooky and the unkwon his what makes him smile that October is known as the month of supernatural" "OOOoooh" "San, WOoyoung you guys think of a day in October and then we can all corrdianite with our sedcules and even maybe rent out the grand hall that is on the fourth of the union" "Yeah we can" "That young man" "Yes Sir" "What was his name" "His name is Seonghwa sir" "I think we should do our parts as owners of the school to aid the kids in creating the day for the young man" "Of course Sir"

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