Chapter 3: Dream

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Smoke towered over a city as an orange light illuminated everything. Birds fled the scene in all directions, while a giant winged beast circled the sky above. This scene was witnessed by people thousands of miles away.

Cody maneuvered his way through the damaged infrastructure looking for a way to escape the nightmare. He hid in the shadows of rubble and debris everytime the winged monster was near him. Thanks to his sensitive hearing, the boy was able to sense when the beast was headed his way.

"Where am I?" He questioned, while looking for a familiar building or landmark he could use to escape. Unfortunately, everything here was new to him, especially the architecture of the buildings. It was vastly different from what he was used to in Ngwane his home country.

Instead of trees dotting the environment, the boy was surrounded by concrete. "Even our biggest city still has trees here and there." The boy moved around.

During his attempt at escaping, Cody noticed military uniforms from his country scattered throughout the streets. From the state they were in, it looked like they were fighting another army. However, the boy also noticed that the bodies were missing on both sides.

As Cody investigated this, a strange man appeared on one of the bridges connecting two buildings plastered with orange clay. He was wearing a long white lab coat with a white, ox mask. The person was tall and slim.

Upon closer inspection, Cody witnessed something unnatural emanating from the stranger. Instead of the pure white azoth, this man was surrounded by a darkened version of it. The boy could feel this power poison the air around him and making it difficult to breathe. What's going on? Cody questioned.

"So the last hero has finally arrived. However, he is too late." The mysterious person approached the edge of the bridge. He took in the sight savouring every second of it. " Behold the end of humanity..."

"Are you the one behind this?"

"Not at all young man. I just merely provided my assistance." The man then looked up at the creature. "Human beings like pretending to be innocent, however they are the monsters they say we are..."

From nowhere, the sound of thunder echoed throughout the sky. "Behold the mighty dragon." The stranger saw something moving within the clouds. Then all of a sudden, the clouds started expanding little by little. During this the clouds started turning red, symbolizing the build up of pressure.

Thanks to all the pressure built up they exploded, violently scattering everything not heavy enough to withstand the blast. During this Cody hid behind a building made from clay while, the stranger stood in the midst of the chaos of flying debris.

During the storm, Cody saw that anything that got close to the man turned to dust. It was as if a barrier was in front of him.

"What was that?" The boy questioned as the storm subsided.

"The first horseman of the apocalypse. The sign of humanity's end. " The man turned to Cody. "If the other three are awakened, everyone will die, just like your father..."

"Tell me how to end this now!!" Cody shouted. Angered the young boy manifested his 'night staff' and ran up to the stranger. Similar to a week ago, strange markings appeared all over Cody's weapon.

"So you still have the will to fight, even after watching Maya die." The stranger laughed causing the boy to tighten his grip on the weapon.

"Watch what you say next or it might be your last." Cody pointed his weapon at the villain.

Before the teenager could do anything the winged beast was suddenly upon him. Thanks to the smoke, the boy could not make out what it looked like. However, compared to him this creature was at least four feet taller.

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