Chapter 7: Reunion

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"Boss where is this mysterious client? We've been standing here for about an hour with the cargo." A person asked a mascular man, seated on the vehicle containing the goods.

The man who was eight feet tall shifted his eyes to his subordinate. "They'll be here. Lady-T is a trusted friend."

"I'm flattered." A voice echoed in the forest. Suddenly, someone emerged from the shadows. "I didn't know you felt that way about little old me. It's been awhile Kholwane..."

"It's been some time ma'am." Kholwane responded before jumping off the vehicle. "I was getting worried that I got the wrong destination..." He looked back at the truck.

Lady T rubbed her fingers against the machine to feel it's metallic frame. "You people from Thoselo are brilliant. Creating such tools is an act of God."

"I wish our government would see it that way. Mzansi and Ngwane have them wrapped around their fingers." Kholwane went on a small rant about his own country. He signaled to the others to bring the cargo.

"This is a dia wolf." Kholwane presented the creature. "Unlike normal wolves this thing is the size of a full grown adult. It also has the ability to manipulate azoth like humans."

"So this is a danger beast. Ngwane is lucky that Rahab calls it home here, otherwise these monsters would be everywhere."

"There are others that are even bigger and meaner." One of Kholwane's subordinates added. Using his hands to demonstrate how big they are. Lady-T ignored him focusing only on Kholwane.

"By the way ma'am, I was wondering why you needed this thing?" Kholwane looked at the truck. "With your skills you could easily capture anyone."

"I need it to find someone." She stated while she ran her hand along it's fur. She widened her eyes a bit when she reached the abdomen.

"If I may ask, who are they?"

"Someone important." Lady-T responded. "That's all I can say."

"What's taking those two idiots long?" One grunt questioned as he stared at a path. He sighed before going to find his missing crew.

"Wait up. I'm coming with you." Another joined, leaving only Kholwane and Lady-T alone.

"Night staff expand!" Cody shouted, slamming the villain on a tree. Thanks to that attack the Dlamini boy had won the battle.

"It looks like we are all done." Abby punched her opponent on the face knocking him out.

"Then let's go before more of them come." Zack urged his friends.

Before they could enter the path, a giant wall of fire erupted in front of them. Cody then heard footsteps headed their way. He looked back and saw a small light penetrate the darkness. Before anyone could react Cody manifested his spell in front of Abby's face, blocking an attack headed for her.

"So he uses the creation technique. How interesting..." The two villains emerged from the darkness.

"Let's kill them quickly and get out of here." The villain looked around. "These are no ordinary kids."

"Thanks for the information, captain obvious..." The villain with burn scar on the left side of his face stepped forward. "Just deal with the other two and don't get in my way."

"Ugh... fine." His partner agreed as lightning surged all over his body. "But this is gonna be real quick!" The smuggler fired lightning bolts at both Abby and Zack.

"Gale barrier!" Zack shouted before creating a giant wind shield. Abby on the other hand, quickly evaded the attack while closing the distance. As she swung her fist, the villain easily blocked it and kicked her away.

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