Chapter 16: A Battle of Friends And Family

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From a rooftop Lana and her two teammates watched the scene below. Unlike before the number of battles had significantly dropped. Since they were a man down, they decided to regroup in this tall building.

Using a pair of binoculars she found, Lana scouted the area to see if there were any teams nearby. Upon looking to the west of their location, they spotted three teams headed their way.

"Is that the looser you wanted Clement to protect?" One of Lana's teammates pointed to the east. Using her binoculars she saw Cody fighting against two members of the Eight Titans.

Just then a giant sword towered over the tree in the distance. "That must be his brother." Lana recognized the spell.

"If the abnormals team somehow beats the titans, the two brothers will meet each other next." Clement analyzed.

"I really want to see who is going to win." The pink haired girl stated.

"I also do, but we have an exam to pass." Lana looked at the three teams to their west. "Clement, Robin, let's go deal with them first."

"Agreed." Clement stated.

"Okay..." Robin reluctantly agreed. Lana then created three clouds to which the trio jumped on to. They flew down the interior of the building to avoid being spotted.

Where is Cosmo? By now someone should have found him. Something isn't right... Lana questioned the events happening around them.

Becca watched the exam from the roof top of the stadium. She spotted her mother within the crowds cheering alongside them. "I feel like she sometimes forgets that she is a wife of an important figure." Becca stated before a strange breeze from the East blew by.

As she took it in, the knight got a whiff of an interesting scent. Without hesitation she took off in the direction from where the wind was coming from.

During this moment, Cody finally emerged from the hole he was in. When he got to the surface he saw clouds of smoke in the surrounding forest. "What took you so long?" Tesla asked.

"The climb really. This hole thirty meters deep mind you."  Cody pointed. "But don't worry, Luya has been eliminated."

"Great job, I knew you could do it." Tesla's punched Cody's shoulder.

"Tesla, weren't you the same person who told us to leave because you thought he had lost." Zack pointed out making Cody raise an eyebrow.

"That's all in the past now." Tesla cleared his throat. "We are still in an exam so we need to remain focused."

"Okay..." Abby laughed.

"So where is our next opponent?" Cody asked.

"Along the way to Cosmo's supposed location." Tesla responded with his bolt vision activated. "And you won't guess who it is."

"It's Sito isn't it?" Cody enquired to which Tesla slowly nodded in response.

"So the moment of truth has arrived." Abby stretched a bit.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tesla looked back at the others. "Let's go and say hi to our classmates." He stated before running.

The others quickly followed with Abby leading the group. Even though they were quite some distance away, Zack could sense the intensity of Sito and Brandon's azoth. It was warning them about the dangers ahead.

On the other side, Sito could feel Cody's team approaching them.  "Look alive. It looks like we have company." He looked back at his team.

"I'm always ready." Cliff readied himself. Maya approached the Dlamini boy from behind.

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