Chapter 11: Maya's First Step

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Three days earlier, Maya stood outside a large building at the school. This building housed the classes belonging to the children from the noble clans. It's large structure would intimidate anyone who wasn't worthy. She took a quick breath before entering it. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Upon entering the building she was amazed by the designs. Each door to a class had pillars of gold around them. The walls were painted in purple and silver different from the bland yellow they had. The lights on the ceiling lit up whenever someone was underneath them. "I just don't get why they bother us in our building when theirs is so amazing." Maya marvelled accidentally bumping into someone in the process.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She apologized before looking up. To her surprised she had bumped into Kenya.

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it Missy and who are you? I haven't seen you around these parts?"

"I'm Maya Magagula." She quickly responded trying not to agitate him.

"Magagula huh? Aren't you a bit lost?" He questioned while slowly circling her. This got the attention of everyone around them. "Let me show you what happens to those who aren't worthy of entering here." From nowhere the boy created his water sword. Maya could only close her eyes and prepare to get hurt.

Suddenly, a water whip wrapped itself around the boy's hand. "You are truly the worst. Didn't you hear her apologize..?" Brandon appeared from within the crowd.

"Well I was showing her how things work around here." Kenya quickly responded.

"Then why don't we demonstrate." Using his whip, Brandon threw Kenya at a nearby locker. This shocked everyone watching. "Let that be a lesson to you all. Don't act in such a way that will dishonor your clans."

Kenya out of embarrassment quickly got up and ran away from the scene, with people laughing at him. He looked back at Brandon vowing to get revenge one day.

Immediately after that everyone continued with what they were doing. Just before Brandon could leave he was approached by Maya. "E-excuse me..."

"Just leave before you get yourself into more trouble. A creature like you doesn't belong here." Brandon told Maya.

"I will, but I'm looking for Sito." When she said that Brandon's sky blue eyes narrowed.

"What do you need him for?" Brandon inquired.

"I want to ask him if I could join his team for the knight exam." Maya answered. "I know I may not be useful to him, but I feel like I can become stronger if I join his team."

"Why don't you join your crush's team, I heard they were short a member?" Sito closed his locker. He shifted his attention to Maya who was next to him.

"I'm afraid to talk to him. After abandoning him when he needed me the most, I don't think he would want to talk to me." Maya clutched her fist. "But I believe if I can become stronger, I will be able to fight alongside him when the day comes."

"But won't you be fighting against him in the exams?" Brandon questioned her plan. This caused the young girl's face to turn red. Before she could respond Sito opened his mouth.

"Why don't you become stronger for yourself first?" The boy calmly spoke. "Piece of advice: if you do something for other people, you won't enjoy it. You can join my team, if you do just that."

"I will." Maya smiled.

Sito simply walked away without responding. "Welcome to the team abnormal." Slapped her back before following his friend. "Training begins tomorrow."

In the present day, Maya ran on the roadside along with Sito and his team. They were doing a ten kilometer run from a village near Mbabane city. I'm going to join the knights no matter what... As she looked up, Maya noticed someone flying really fast. A trail of light followed them as they vanished into the horizon.

Later that evening, Ozen opened two large doors leading to a giant hall. "Sorry for being late. I had a little errand to do." Cody's uncle stated, as he entered a large, crimson colored room, decorated with alot of pictures. These pictures belonged to the previous twenty six rulers of the nation. Although technology was limited at the time, somehow people were able to obtain the portraits of magi from over five hundred years ago.

The floor was filled with black ceramic tiles, with brown markings. A long wooden table was set in the center and a bunch of knights in black uniforms surrounded it. The ceiling was decorated with chandeliers that floated in mid air. They emitted a yellow light that filled the entire conference room.

"I hope it was as important as this Ozen." A man with black hair and red eyes tapped the wooden surface with his index finger.

"Believe me it was." Ozen awkwardly smiled as he sat down.

"As the captain of the grand knights, you are by default the leader in case the magi seat is vacant for whatever reason. So lead by example." Another person added as he looked around.

"I'll take that into consideration." Ozen apologized, however one quick glance around the table revealed that this wasn't a satisfactory response.

"Alright then, are the any nominees?" Ozen asked. He looked around the room expecting a lot of hands to be raised. To his dismay nobody was doing it.

Suddenly, a six feet man boldly stood up. He had grey hair and red eyes which were a defining feature of his clan. On his face was a huge scar, that ran from his left eye to his right cheek. He had a muscular build that complemented the sleeveless black jacket he was wearing.

Ozen observed the scene as some of the other clan leaders whispered amongst each other. It was clear to him that whatever this person was going to say, it would not be approved. Yep we are going to be here all night. He quickly realized the situation he was in.

"As the leader of the mighty Mamba clan. I would love to nominate myself, Leo Mamba as the next Magi." The man proudly proclaimed. His actions angered some of the other noble clan leaders in attendance.

That's one way to get them to talk. The leader of the Motsa clan thought. Leo would make a decent magi, however the optimal choice in my calculations would be... The orange haired man shifted his gaze to a certain individual on the table.

The leader of the Magongo clan sat at the far end of the table. He was using all his strength trying not to laugh. "Bongani has definitely cultivated some interesting knights." He told the Dlamini clan leader, who sat next to him.

During the chaos he looked up at the ceiling and smiled a little. "Seeing the next generation become reliable makes me feel old. I still don't believe that I'm looking at the cry babies from before." He added as he chuckled.

"Weren't you the same back then." The Dlamini clan leader questioned.

"Don't remind me of that." The two senior citizens laughed. "But I hope this new generation will succeed where we failed."

"In what way?" The Dlamini clan questioned. "We did fine if you ask me..."

"They should put away the rules that put us against each other and create policies plus laws that are fair to everyone." Luton drank the glass of water in front of him. "Don't you think it's about time we stop blaming the current generation of abnormals for something they do not have a hand in doing?"

"If they choose that route, they'll surely be met with opposition. Human beings are slow in accepting change." The Dlamini clan leader shifted his gaze to the door behind him. This prompted his colleague to do the same. "For example them."

"The elders." Luton stated. "Their influence in this country worries me."

"Funny thing..." The Dlamini clan leader added. "My grandfather said the exact same thing."

Next chapter: A New Spell

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