Chapter 17: Power Of Abnormals

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As Becca got closer the scent got stronger. Suddenly she saw an ominous figure in the distance. "This is not good." She stated before increasing her speed.

Before she could reach the area a metallic object was fired at her. With ease she blocked sending it to the ground. Upon it reaching the ground, the seated officer noticed the bodies of countless knights pierced with a number of those objects.

Suddenly a wounded knight tried to attack the mysterious intruder, but was killed before Becca could do anything. As the killer turned her way the third seat rocketed themselves forward.

With everything she had, Becca tried to punch the villain. Unfortunately for her, metallic wings sprouted from their back tearing apart the white robe they were wearing.

Using the wings they fired countless number of metallic feathers at Becca. Using her attribute the knight managed to destroy them all. Seeing this made the villain smile.

"They were starting to bore me, but you seem more entertaining than these rabble." The person stated as they tore the robe they had, revealing the villain's feminine figure.

She wore a slim tight bodysuit that was black in color. They also had on red and black boots along with some red gloves. Their skin was caramel and they carried a white faceless mask on their curvaceous hips.

After removing her robe her azoth skyrocketed. It's even surpassing mine. Becca looked at the torn item of clothing. Is she from Thoselo?

"Who are you?" Becca asked. Before the enemy could respond she spread out here wings and fired her feathers at the knight. Becca crossed her arms and separated them creating a large enough wind force to scatter them. Some landed on buildings destroying the infrastructure.

I better be careful where I send them. Becca stated noticing two children peeping through the window.

"You have some potential alright. I'll have alot of fun with you..." The villain observed

"Who are you?" The knight repeated their question as she geared up her second attack. "If you don't respond then I'll force it out of you."

"That is better than talking." The villain stated as two blades suddenly appeared their hands.

"It's your funeral. Tornado punch...!" She thrust her fist forward launching a large tornado at the villain.

"Haha, now that's what I'm talking about!" The villain shouted before using the feather blades to split the attack in half like butter. However, Becca used this opportunity to get closer. She appeared from behind the and kicked the attacker in the abdomen, she quickly followed with an axe kick on the head sending the villain crashing down.

"Enhancement and emission type spells how unique." The villain stated. "What was the name of the spell that allowed you to sneak up me."

"Why should I tell you? You are also refusing to share information." Becca responded.

"That's fair." The person stated before they jumped into the air. Like a bullet they flew straight at Becca. The young maiden managed to avoid the attack. "Behind you." The villain pointed.

When Becca turned a barrage of metallic feathers flew towards her. A few managed to cut but she quickly gathered the rest in a wind ball and tossed it at the villain.

Without stress the wind ball was destroyed by the attacker. "If it wasn't for that spell enhancing your movement, you'd be pushing up daisys. You really are a third seat."

"So you figured that much about me." Becca commented. "And you, are you an abnormal? From the way you fight and the quality of your azoth one could think you are one."

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