Chapter 20: Decision

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As the sun reached higher in the sky, the frost began to melt creating small streams of water. Instead of their usual T-shirts and shorts, the morning joggers had started wearing their tracksuits more. To an on looker this was the sign of the fast approaching winter.

Strong winds blew the trees haphazardly despite that, Cody continued his five kilometer run. He did this every morning since the exam six days ago. Despite being told to stay in bed by the doctor, the boy chose to be outside. He just couldn't sit around and do nothing.

Upon resting, the memories of the knight exams flooded his mind. He began to think of things he should have done and things he shouldn't have. The cold morning air was just the right thing he needed to clear mind. This was a tactic Cosmo told him to do if a mission was crazy intense. Using his late brother's advice Cody carried on with his training.

As Cody travelled through the more quieter parts of the park, he noticed a brilliant display of light in the distance. Curious he went to investigate the cause of this phenomena. The boy stumbled upon one of the many training grounds in Pig's peak city where he found his brother training. Sito who was overflowing with sweat kept on blasting and blasting at some training dummies. Even after he had destroyed them more would appear. "Even if it's the last thing I do. I'll become stronger and hunt down Emanz." The boy wiped the sweat off his face with a towel wrapped around his neck.

Before Sito could continue, he picked up the presence of someone's azoth. The boy quickly looked up at the hill behind to find nothing. "I guess it must've been one of those joggers." He drank water and returned to his training.

Cody hid behind one of the trees to avoid being spotted. "That was close." The boy sighed before escaping the area unnoticed.

After the kids escaped the realm, the clan leader of the Mamba's appeared and freed everyone in the stadium. While Cody got out with only minor injuries, most of his friends weren't as lucky. Those were quickly rushed to the hospital where they were taken care of by Maya's mother who is the head doctor there.

Two days later Cody attended Cosmo's funeral under Bafana's permission. However, the boy still had to wear a disguise to prevent conflict. When he looked over to his brother he saw Sito leave the scene just as they began to bury Cosmo.

Ever since that day Sito would disappear from the hospital in the morning and return soaking wet in the evening. The boy eventually discharged himself from the hospital despite Ozen's disapproval.

Later that day Cody sat at the roof top of the hospital. He was watching the sunset as he would normally do if he was at home. The boy loved the beautiful orange the sun used to decorate the sky as it left.

"So this is where you've been hiding." Someone opened the door leading to the rooftop.

Slowly the boy turned around to see who was talking to him. "Hey uncle Ozen." The boy awkwardly smiled. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see how Luton Magongo is doing, so I decided to come and check up on you." Ozen responded as he sat besides Cody.

"So how is the old man doing?" Cody turned to his uncle. "I heard he was hurt real bad."

"He is stable for now, but I can't reveal anymore than that to the public." Ozen took a deep breath. "Why are you so worried about him? I don't believe you two have ever met."

"We kinda did at the park in Mbabane." Cody answered shocking Ozen in the process. "I was feeling worthless and he gave me advice on how to conduct my training. I really owe him one."

It was probably because of what I said. Ozen looked at Cody. I thought he would ignore it just like Oscar. I guess sometimes apples do fall some distance from the tree.

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