Chapter 13: Exams are here

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Three weeks passed and the time for the exam had arrived. Cody slowly approached the large building which was going to host it. Around them was a bunch of people who came to watch.

The closer he got to the stadium the more nervous he got. Abby hit him on his back grabbing the boy's attention. "You've been working hard for a month now. You'll pass..." She smiled.

Thanks to her reassuring words the Dlamini boy gained a bit of confidence. He quickly took a deep breath and passed through the glass doors.

When Cody entered the Dlamini clan changing room, all eyes were upon him. Trying to avoid everyone's gaze the boy quickly walked to his designated locker. Although he was used to people staring at him, this situation was completely different from those. This time he was their rival.

While he was changing, a boy from Andrews academy approached Cody. He had black hair and brown eyes. This comment. "I'm surpriseld that an abnormal like you managed to join a team."

"Yeah it was tough." Cody responded.

"Whoever accepted you into their team, just made everyone's work easier." The person stated. "Marula academy must have been scratching the bottom of the barrel if you are here."

"I hope you aren't planning on doing something stupid Luya." A person interrupted the conversation.

"I was just giving the kid some advice." Luya dusted Cody's shoulders. "I don't want him to fail."

Luya then left the area promising to fight Cody in the exam. "Thanks for th-"

"Don't thank me, I was just doing what Lana asked me to do."Clement stated before leaving the dressing room. "You are an abnormal after all."

I can't blame him there. If I think about it both Lady-T and that guy who attacked the school were both abnormals. Cody put on his school's navy blue tracksuit with a red line on one side. So I can't blame him for thinking everyone with an abnormal attribute is evil. However...

Cody closed his locker before doing some stretches. I can't leave it that way. With all my power let me try and pass this exam and become a knight. So that I can prove to people like him that not all abnormals are evil. Cody planned as he put on his purple armband. This was the same armband that his team was supposed to be wearing.

Like that Cody walked into the bright light and into the stadium. Thanks to his training he was a little bit confident. It's time.

Whistles and cheers roared throughout the stadium as the children entered the field. This year only a six hundred people managed to enter the exam, double last year's number.

Maya looked around nervous of what's to come. She could feel everyone's azoth level on full blast. This made hers feel insignificant in comparison. Sito seeing this flicked her forehead. "Just ignore them. They are trying to intimidate you." The boy stated. "The only thing you should be worried about is passing, because if you fail, the chances of ever passing are slim to none."

The boy looked at his brother who was doing stretches with his friends. Cody lost his balance and fell to the floor. The boy awkwardly laughed before standing up. Sito clicked his tongue before returning to his own team.

Suddenly music started playing drawing everyone's attention to the podium. Quickly an elderly person stepped up to the microphone. Unlike regular ones this one was a small disk floating in mid air surrounded by a green light. It used azoth to amplify the user's voice allowing everyone to hear them.

Upon seeing who the person was Cody's jaw dropped. It was the old man who gave him advice two weeks ago. "What's wrong?" Tesla asked.


"Okay but tell me if you have any issues with our plan." Tesla stated with Cody nodding in response.

"I will."

"Good morning students. Congratulations on making it to the second phase of the knight exams. I am Luton Magongo." The senior citizen introduced himself. "As for the second phase of the exam." Luton looked behind the group of children.

"You are going to be hunting down that young man. He will be acting as an escaped convict and you all are supposed to catch him." Luton stated as Cosmo appeared. "At the end of that tunnel is my realm. The entire examination will occur there."

"The reason for this is to provide a safe area for you to battle." Lana looked back and saw that Cosmo was long gone. She then told her teammates and they were off. Seeing them Sito realized that the exam had already started. Like that they followed.

More and more kids started running to the exam arena. It's about time... Luton thought before he noticed that the was still a team left behind. This team surprised him because by the time he usually finishes his speech everyone is always gone. What an interesting approach.

"Um...Zack, everyone is staring us. Is it time now?" Abby asked.

"Just a few more seconds." The boy listened attentively. "Once he finishes his speech then we run."

"Thank you for participating and good luck to everyone of you. We wish you all the best." As Luton concluded Abby quickly grabbed Zack and Tesla grabbed Cody. Like lightning they ran into the realm. Luton watched and slightly smiled.

The kids ran to the tunnel until they emerged on the other side. They were greeted by explosions, fire blast and hurricane like attacks. Seeing this both Abby and Tesla threw Zack and Cody at the attackers.

"Aeolus blast." Zack shouted as he blew wind strong enough to Snap trees in half. Everyone moved to a single location where they were crushed by Cody's expanded night staff.

The attackers were knocked out causing them to turn into smoke. Ozen who had just arrived was impressed by this, he didn't know his nephew had become this strong.

"Your boy is really impressive." Someone spoke. "You must be filled with joy right now."

"Oh... it's you Katherine." Ozen looked to his side.

"Who else would I be you imbecile." The blonde, caucasian woman responded.

"To be honest I didn't expect you to here at all." Ozen stated.

"My youngest daughter is participating this year. Even though she's incompetent I have to cheer her on as a parent." Katherine faced the huge screen. "Even so, I didn't expect her to join the knights."

"In a way I guess we are the same." Ozen awkwardly laughed. "I still don't know what I'd do if he passes."

"Just let them be. Sooner or later they'll come across a wall they can't overcome." Katherine explained. "It is then when they will realize that they were out of their depth."

"Isn't that a bit too far." Ozen questioned.

"Who knows really? There is no guide book to parenting after all." Katherine. Responded. "We are just following on our own instincts."

"At the end of the day they must leave the nest one way or the other." Katherine noticed someone approaching them. "Whether we like it or not."

Suddenly a member of the grand knights appeared and asked to talk with Ozen . "Sir your seat is this way." The person pointed.

"It looks like I'm needed elsewhere. Take care." Ozen scratched the back of his head.

"Hmph..." Katherine scoffed.

"But before I leave, how is the exam going end?" Ozen questioned

"Who knows really? I can only see glimpses of the future not the whole thing or the path to get there." Katherine responded. "And the exam is one of the many paths that is leading to something greater."

"What is that?"

"Right now it is undecided..." Katherine walked away whilst waving at Ozen.

Ozen left the area with more questions than answers. However, what Katherine said about being a parent made him realize something. He had drastically underestimated the difficulty in parenting.

Next Chapter: The Eight Titans

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