Chapter 9: Family

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Cody woke up the next morning. His body was aching from the battle the day before. He looked outside the window and saw people moving up and down the street. As dew flowed from the leaves of trees to the ground below, Cody noticed his brother leaving the house.

"Lady-T was powerful, but she was nothing compared to that monster." Cody remembered the creature from his dream. "That dark aura, just what exactly is it?"

While in deep thought, the door to his room swung open. Distracted the teenage boy looked at who was coming into the room.

"Nephew." The person spoke before entering his room.

"Good morning uncle Ozen." Cody greeted the adult.

"The is no need for you to stand up nephew." Ozen grabbed a chair. "I just came to talk."

"Is it about last night?"

"No, it's about you joining the knight exams." Ozen looked at Cody. "I want you to dropout."

"What, why?" Cody was surprised.

"It's clear to me that you are not meant to become a knight. Take last night for example." Ozen responded to Cody with a stern look. "Your lack of skill almost got you and three other children killed. If I hadn't shown up who knows what would have happened."

"But I took down a couple of guys, that has got to count for something." Cody tried to reason with the adult. It was at that moment Ozen stood up.

"That was pure luck." Ozen threw something onto Cody's bed. It was a syringe placed in a transparent container. Upon closer inspection the boy saw that it had a red liquid. "We found that in one of the smuggler's pockets. Count yourselves lucky they didn't use it."

"What is this?" Cody picked up the container.

"The philosophy drug." Cody's eyes widened causing him to drop it. "That is the same substance, found in the blood stream of the person who attacked your school three weeks ago."

"It not only boosts physical stats, it also enhances sensory perception. The user essentially becomes as strong as a seated officer." Ozen walked over to the window. "Given what I just told you, do you think you can overcome such foes?"

The boy looked at the phial for some time leaving the room silent. He remembered his fight at school and against Kholwane. Cody could still feel their overwhelming power his opponents.

"Yes. I just have to get stronger." The boy remembered Mr. Motsa's words of encouragement during the battle. "I can't quit now. I made a promise to a lot of people and besides I've made some friends along the way."

Ozen looked at Cody throughout his speech. The boy's response is something he expected his little brother to say. The adult took a deep breath before responding.

"You sound like an idiot right now. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get strong?" Ozen slammed his fist in the wall creating a small Crater. "For God's sake you only know a single spell and it's been thirteen years since. I thought by now you would know your capabilities!"

"So is Sito capable? He is your favorite after all." Cody clutched his fist, drops of blood flowed from his hands. "And here you are lecturing me about strength when you haven't taught me anything. How do you expect me to get strong."

"Have you forgotten that your actions led to my brother's death or should I remind of what happened with your school councilor instead?" Ozen walked up and down the room. "And now we have a danger beast on the loose all because of you. Everything you do leads to death and destruction."

When Ozen looked at Cody he saw tears flowing down the boy's face. "So you see me as a typical abnormal, just like everyone else." The boy commented before running out the room. He passed by Cosmo who was on his way out. Before he could stop him Cody was already out the door.

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