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You guys!


Mint Choco Chip is already #32 in short story! How did this happen??

I love you guys!

For a minute, her family just stared at her.

"What do you mean, your parents?" Her father asked after a long silence.

"Yeah," Her brother added, "Aren't these folks your parents?" He pointed at her parents.

She frowned at them, "Don't act like you didn't know I was adopted."

Her mother's face crumpled, "Oh, honey."

"Mother," Maia grit out, not believing her ears, "I'm Korean! Did you think I wouldn't notice? I'm not stupid."

Her mother huffed, "Of course I know that you know you're adopted! We just never got to discuss this. You know, have a heart to heart."

"Anyway," Her dad said dryly, "Moving on to more pressing matters, what did they want?"

It was amazing, the amount of scorn you could put into one word.

"They're here." Maia said softly, "They want to meet me."


"Balderdash!" Her father grunted, "To hell if you're going anywhere."

"He's right," Her mother screamed, "Who do they think they are, barging into my baby's life, and attempting to steal her away from me? They're not the ones who had to change your dirty nappies!"

Maia blinked, "Whoa. Okay, back up for a second there. First of all, I don't remember agreeing to let you guys control my life! I can do whatever the hell I want to do. And second of all," She turned to her mother, "Would you please leave my nappies alone? This is the second time you've mentioned it today, lady!"

Her brother looked at her, "I don't know why you're bothering. She's going to do whatever the hell she wants." He told their parents.

Maia kept glaring at her parents. "I'm going to go to school now. There better be  risotto waiting for me at home when I come back, or you're going to get silent treatment."

And with that she was out the door.


Shannon (@storiesandstarbucks), you better get the 100 reference so we can fangirl together!

Anywho, you guys have insta? I have insta.

Lol, I feel like a gangster.

But my Instagram handle is @ruevian. Go and follow, and I shall follow back :D

Now I shall sleep cuz I had to go to work at 7 in the morning.


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