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It was as though the world stopped.

Okay, maybe not, but Maia definitely started to get that butterfly sensation in her tummy.

She stared at Oliver and he stared right back at her.

She wanted to scream that she loved him too and pounce on him.

But she felt as if she was frozen.

She couldn't move.

Everyone stared at the pair of them, and no one seemed to know what to say.

Maia didn't care about the stupid game anymore.

Oliver's deepest darkest secret had been that he was in love with her.

He loved her.

"Okay, do you guys want to move on?" Ashley asked.

Everyone except Oliver and Maia nodded.

The were still staring at each other.

Ashley coughed.

"Ashley, shhh!" Skye whispered loudly, "My OTP's finally getting it on."

Maia blinked.

"I think we should move on." She said.

"Awwwwww." Skye, Isobel, Shawn and Marcus said in unison.

"Okay, Oliver, choose." Ashley urged.

"Uh," Oliver muttered, "Isobel."

Isobel shrugged, "Okay, my family moved to Maimi when our family home burnt down in Michigan. We wanted a new start, I guess."

"Did anyone die?"

Everyone glared at Shawn.

Isobel smiled sadly, "Just my black Labrador puppy, Fang. My family was relieved actually, because he was sort of a nuisance. He used to keep jumping on people and trying to bite their noses off."

"That's unfortunate." Skye said.

Isobel shrugged, "It was a long time ago. I'm over it. And I pick Logan."

Logan had been quiet this whole time.

He looked up, "Me?"

Isobel nodded, "You looked bored out of your mind."

Logan smiled, "I was just thinking of which secret to tell. I think I've decided."

He took a deep breath, "Okay, my secret is more a way of life. I'm gay. I've been into guys for as long as I can remember."


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