+twenty five+

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Her plan was coming through perfectly.

For the past hour, Logan and Shawn were talking non stop.

She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she could see them laughing and talking.

Phase one of operation #Shogan successful.

Oliver sat as far away from her as he could, his fist clenched, his eyes staring at the passing scenery.

She sighed.

She'd have to find a way to make it up to him.

She thought about what Ashley had told her earlier.

She knew she loved Oliver.

She knew she always had.

What she didn't know was what she would do next.

She admitted her feelings.

What now?

Someone pinched her.

"Ouch, dammit." She glared at Shawn, pulling out her earphones, "What?"

He rolled his eyes, "We're here."

She looked around, Oliver and Logan had already gotten out.

"You should be thanking me." Maia informed him.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Did you find out whether he was gay?" She asked.

He rolled his eyes, "You can't simply ask somebody whether they're gay, Maia."

"Oh yeah? Watch this." She started to get out of the car, "Hey, Logan-"

"No!" He hissed, pulling her back into the car, "Don't you dare."

Maia sighed, "Fine. Can I get out now?"

Shawn glared at her, "Don't you dare be obvious."

"Shawn, honestly speaking, you should tell them. They're your best friends, they deserve to know."

"Know what?"

Logan had come up next to the car, with Oliver behind him.

"Yeah, Maia," Oliver said, his voice cold, "What do we deserve to know?"

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