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Shawn just stood there gaping at her.

"How did you know?" He asked finally.

She grinned, "Guess work. So I was right. Oh, yeah." She fist pumped the air.

He rolled his eyes, "I hate you."

But a plan was forming inside her brain.

Her super evil, totally genius, out of this world matchmaking scheme.

Shawn saw the look in her eyes.

"Oh no," He cursed, "You're thinking up some convoluted plan to get us together. Maia, you don't even know if he's gay or not."

But it was too late. Maia was already in her own world.

"I shall call it #Lown. No, reminds me of glass and doggy poo. #Shogan. Perfectamundo!"

He groaned, "What have I done? I've created a monster."

She was pulling out phone.

"Maia," Shawn froze, "What are you doing?"

"Hello, Logan?"

"Maia, no!" Shawn hissed, trying to pry the phone away from her.

"Maia, is something wrong? Where are you?"

She slapped Shawn's hand away, "Get off me!" She hissed.

"Maia, love, what's going on?"

"Hello," She chirped into the phone, "How are you."

There was a pause.

"Wait...you're not being raped?"

She snorted, "By Shawn? Hardly."

She heard a sigh, "Thank gods. I thought I'd have to actually get out of bed and drive to wherever the hell you are."

She rolled her eyes, "My savior." She said dryly. "But that's not why I called you."


She ignored him, "So, we're all going camping this weekend. Wanna come?"

She ignored the fact that Shawn was shaking head wildly, and making a big 'X' with his hands.

"I'll have to check with my mum, but sure. Are you sure your boyfriend won't mind?"

She blinked, "Who?"

"The Oliver dude."

She laughed, "Not my boyfriend."

"If you're sure. Listen, you need to come to school early tomorrow. We need to finish the article."

"Yeah, okay. See you."

She clicked her phone shut.

"Operation #Shogan is officially begun."

Dedicated to my awesome new friend Ash because she's awesome and she's a fangirl, go check her books out!

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