+thirty eight+

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Thank you so much guys! I love you all so much :D

The closer they got to the hospital, the faster Maia's heart started beating.

Oliver squeezed her hand and looked at her.

"She's going to be fine." He told her.

"Eyes on the road." Maia mumbled, but she squeezed his hand all the same.

She was glad he was there.

He parked outside the hospital and turned to her, grabbing both her hands in his own, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course I am," Maia said a little too sharply, but then she continued in a kinder tone, "I have to Oliver. She's my mother."

"I know." He said softly, before letting go of her hands and opening the car door.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He continued, too soft for her to hear.

Maia half ran, half walked towards the reception.

Oliver ran after her.

She marched up to the receptionist, "Yeah, hi?"

The receptionist, whose name was Suzy, as written on her name tag, couldn't have been older than twenty. She pulled her earphones out.

"Sorry, what?"

"I'm here for my mother? Her name is Deb Donovan-"

But Suzy was too busy puffing her boobs up and smiling at Oliver, who had come up behind her.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Suzy didn't even look at her, "Mmm?"

This was the last straw for Maia. She grabbed Suzy by her ID card.

"Look, b*tch, my mother just broke her neck. I have no time for your bullsh*t. So stop ogling at my boyfriend and do your f*cking job."

Suzy stared at her with wide eyes.

So did Oliver.

She glared at Suzy.

"Do it!" She barked.

Suzy frantically turned to the computer and typed in her mother's name.

"Room 219." She said, her voice shaking.

And she was off.

That was the first time she had sworn three times in conversation.

Heck, this was the first time Maia had sworn at all, since fifth grade.

She didn't recommend it, but sometimes, just
sometimes, it helped your situation.

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