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"Logan," Maia barged into the newspaper office, making the only occupant jump.

"Blimey, Maia, you frightened the shit out of me." Logan stared longingly at his lunch, which was now lying on the floor.

But Maia was already turning her computer on.

She felt Logan come up from behind her as she logged in.

"You thought of something." It wasn't a question.

She looked at him, surprised, "How did you know-?"

He shook his head, "You've got that look in your eye every time you get a new scoop."

She blinked, "What look?"

He shrugged, "Ya know, the excited look, with the scrunched up nose."

He proceeded to show her exactly how she looked when she got new scoop.

"I do not look that way!" Maia argued, "You look like a rabbit."

He shrugged, "Rabbits are cute."

Was he trying to say...

Maia shook her head, "Anyway, back to my scoop."

Logan rolled his eyes, "Yes, please go ahead."

"I'm going to write about my table!" Maia announced with flourish.

Logan blinked at her.

Then he said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just heard you say your article is going to be about a table."

Maia frowned at him, "Don't say it that way. I'm not talking about any table, I'm talking about my table."

"And what is it that is so special about this table of yours?"

She scoffed, "Oh, right, you would know if you actually stepped foot outside this room."

He rolled his eyes, "Of course I leave this room, don't be ridiculous. And I'm only here because I haven't got anything to write about myself."

Maia smiled, "Great, then we'll do this together."

Logan smiled, "Alright, but will you please tell me what's so newsworthy about your lunch table?"

"Come with me and you'll find out."

New character. What do you guys think of Logan?

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