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Note: Everything I know about Brits come from Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Sherlock. Help?

"So, what did you think?"

"They're crazy, every single one of them. Well, maybe not the quiet one. What was his name, Shawn?"

Maia frowned, "He's not usually like that. He's normally the craziest of us all."

Logan whistled, "Crazier than that? Bloody hell, he must be a sight for sore eyes."

She smiled, "He is. I just wish I knew what was wrong with him."

Logan shrugged, "You're a reporter, find out."

"You know what? I just might." And she was gone, leaving Logan staring at her back as it grew smaller.

"I didn't mean now." He said with a sigh, but there was no one there to listen to him.

"Well Logan," He muttered to himself, "I suppose you're starting this article yourself."

Meanwhile, Maia was following Shawn out of school. He seemed to be taking a lot of twists and turns and she sighed when he disappeared behind another turn.

But she followed.

As she took the turn two hands grabbed her and spun her over, trapping her hands behind her.

"Ouch, ouch, OUCH." She cursed.


Shawn let go of her quickly. "What the hell were you doing?" He demanded, "I thought you were a thug."

"And there I thought I was a super sleuth." Maia grumbled.

"Not funny, why were you following me?" Shawn demanded.

Maia shrugged, "You just seemed so sad today at lunchtime."

Shawn raised his eyebrows, "So you decided to follow me? I mean," He sighed, "Not that I don't appreciate it, but you really could have just asked."

"Why are you sad, Shawn?"

"Not telling."

Maia gasped, "But you just asked me to ask you!"

He shrugged, "I didn't say I was gonna tell ya."

She grabbed his collar.

"Tell me," She threatened.

"Jesus, let go of me you crazy woman." He tried to swat her hand away.

"Tell me."

"Alright, just let go of me."

She smiled, "Pleasure doing business with you." She said cheerily as she let him go. "Now tell me."

"You're one scary woman."

She made a grab for his collar.

"Alright, alright," He grumbled, "Not here. Ruby's?"

She shrugged, "Fine by me."

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