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They're back! The ratings are back! I shall now cry with happiness, even though I promised myself I didn't care.

"Hey guys." Maia said as she walked back to the table with Logan behind her.

Poor chap already looked nervous.

They looked up at her.

"Look who's back." Skye grinned at her friend, and then saw the boy behind her.

"Is this hot boy from your newspaper club?" Ashley asked, sizing the guy up.

Logan smiled at her, "Logan James."

Isobel grinned, "British too, nice catch, chica."

Maia frowned, "What are you guys talking about? I'm not catching anything, especially not boys."

"You better not be." Oliver muttered under his breath, not loud enough for Maia to hear.

"Logan and I are writing an article together, so he's going to be sitting with us for the rest of the week."

"Great," Oliver muttered, and this time Maia did hear him.

So did Logan.

"If there's a problem, I don't have to do this." He said to Maia.

"There's no problem," Maia assured him, casting a quick glare at Oliver before sitting down, Logan next to her.

"So, what's this article about?" Skye asked, as an attempt to lessen the tension.

"This-" Logan started but Maia elbowed.

"It's a surprise." Maia announced, grinning.

Logan rolled his eyes at her, "Is it now?"

Isobel nudged her boyfriend, "Why can't you talk in a British accent?"

Trevor blinked at her, "Because I'm American?"

She sighed, "Pity."

Maia suddenly saw that Shawn was abnormally quiet.

"Shawn," She said, "Everything alright?"

He looked at her, "Sure, yeah, everything's just fine,"After further thinking he added a feeble "Yo."

Maia was not convinced.

But she let it go...for now.

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