+twenty two+

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So I fell sick yesterday. I think it was no sleep in that wretched plane, eating some weird cheese sandwiches and roaming around in circles for five hours.
But that's just me.

"I really need to get going now," Maia said, apologetically, an hour and half later, "My friends and I are going camping."

Avery looked excited, "Oooh, I love camping."

Nelson looked at his wife, "You've never been camping."

Avery snorted, "You know nothing."

"We've been best friends for thirty years now, you have not been camping." Nelson told her.

"Maybe I went camping with Ricky Whittle when we were on break." She informed her husband.

"You what?"

Maia snorted, "Calm yourself, old man. She never went anywhere with Ricky Whittle."

They both looked at her, "How do you know?" Nelson asked.

"Because I watched The 100." Maia smiled snidely at Avery.

Avery cursed.

Nelson blinked.

"Am I missing something?" He asked.

Maia laughed, "Ricky Whittle is an actor."

Avery sighed, "So I made that up, alright. But you have to admit, Lincoln would light me a good fire."

Maia snorted, "First of all, aren't you too old for him? And hello, Linctavia? And second , Bellamy would totally make a better fire."

"Okay, both of you, stop before you hurt someone." Nelson joked, repeating what Maia had said when they first met.

"Okay, I really have to get going now. It was really awesome meeting you." Maia said, smiling.

"That feeling is mutual," Avery informed her, squeezing her hand, "We're so lucky to have you back in our lives."

Maia nodded, "I have your number, I'll call you."

"And our IM ids too." Nelson reminded her, "Now go have fun."

She grinned, "I will."

"Oh and good luck with that boyfriend of yours, what's his name, Oliver."

Maia frowned at Avery, "He's not my boyfriend."

Avery looked at her husband, "Believe me, that was the same thing I said eighteen years ago. I thought a relationship would ruin our friendship but it didn't. In fact, it made it stronger. There's no relationship better that this, Maia. Not many get a chance like this. You have to use it. No one knows you better than your best friend. No one can make a better boyfriend."

Nelson looped his hand around his wife's waist, "Yes," He said, "And these are the relationships that last forever."

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