+twenty six+

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Hey guys! Sorry for the late update yestready! I'm trying to update as soon as I get time.

So my results came in yesterday and I got a 91%!!! I'm really happy with myself.

Anyhow, love you guys!

"So what do we do now, sleep?" Isobel asked, when they had finally managed to light a fire.

Ashley looked at her as if she was insane, "Are you mad? We didn't come here to sleep."

Isobel rolled her eyes, "What do you suggest we do then? Because all we've done so far is watch Shawn nearly burn his clothes off trying to light a fire."

Maia snorted, "We could roast some marshmallows."

Skye looked excited, "Let's make s'mores!" 

Her boyfriend didn't share her excitement. In fact, he looked a little sheepish.

"I sort of forgot to get the marshmallows." He admitted.

Everybody groaned.

"I can't believe it." Maia complained.

"I tell you to do one thing. One thing." His girlfriend scolded.

"So now what?" Logan asked.

"Now," Maia said, "We stare at the fire and curse our damned life."

Oliver rolled his eyes. He'd been acting this way since the bus incident. She couldn't get past how cold his voice was when he talked to her. She had been saved from answering his question when the rest of the guys arrived, but she could still feel his frosty gaze on her sometimes.

"We can just have chocolate and graham crackers." Bash tried.

Everybody just glared at him.

"Really." Ashley grumbled, "I can't believe how boring you guys are."

Marcus shook his head at her, "I don't see you giving any suggestions." 

Ashley smirked, "Well, I might have just the thing."

Maia groaned, "Please don't say strip poker."

Ashley frowned.

"How bout this," Maia said, rubbing her hands for dramatic effect, "Let's all say aloud our deepest, darkest secret."

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