+twenty four+

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"So, how are we doing this?" Bash asked, "We have three cars. Who's going where?"

Time to put operation #Shogan into action.

"Logan and I are going with Shawn." Maia announced.

Logan looked at her, confused.

"Okay?" He looked at Shawn, unsure.

"Sure," Shawn shot Maia a quick glare, "Oliver, come along too, man."

No! She wanted to scream, you're ruining my plan!

But she just got in the back before Logan could.

"Get in," She hissed to Oliver, practically yanking him into the car.

He blinked, like he was surprised she was talking to him.


Sometimes you had to sacrifice for the greater good, she told herself.

Logan looked confused, but he walked around the car to the passenger seat.

"Okay, listen here." She whispered to Oliver, "Listen to music, go to sleep, just butt out of the conversation, okay?"

Oliver looked even more confused, "Maia, what's going on-?"


"But you're acting-"


"Stop being diffi-"

"Shh! Goddammit, I told you to shut up."

Oliver's green eyes cracked.

"Okay," He said softly, and then turned to look out of the window.


Maybe she was too harsh.

She didn't mean it.

But it was too late now.

She pulled out her iPod and shoved her earphones in.

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