+thirty four+

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Hah, double update!

Thank me now.

And I got a new phone.


Suddenly, she was wide awake.

What just happened, she thought as she saw Ashley and Marcus jump away from each other, both red at the face.

She just smiled.

"Mornin." She said as though she hadn't just caught her two friends kissing, even if it was unintentional.

Ashley's face was flushed, something that was never seen on her pale face.

"This was nice and everything," She said, "But I really need to go and water the garden."

Maia smirked, "We're in a jungle."

But she was already gone.

Marcus on the other hand, was still sitting on the floor and gaping at where Ashley had vanished.

"Deep breaths, Marcus." 

Marcus snapped out of his daze.

"We just-"

"Kissed, yes." Maia finished for him.

"I just kissed Ashley," Marcus repeated.

Maia nodded, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"You like her, don't you?" 


"Love her, even?"


"Hmm, maybe too early for that." 

"What do I do?" 

"Give her some air and pray that it doesn't ruin your relationship." 

Marcus nodded. Poor chap was still in a daze.

"Was it a nice kiss?" Maia prodded.

Marcus frowned, "Maybe, maybe not." 

Not in a daze anymore, apparently.

"I'm going to go now." Marcus said, getting off the ground and dusting himself off.

"Bye Marcus." Maia said with a grin.

Marcus frowned, "Stop that." 

Maia blinked innocently, "What?" 

He nudged at her with his chin.

"That, whatever you're doing." 

"I'm afraid you're not being very clear." Maia told him.

"You're teasing me!" 


"Yes you-wait what?"

She shrugged, "It's fun."

Marcus frowned, "Goodbye." And he was gone.

Ah, fun.

Now it was time to wake her darling boyfriend up.

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