+thirty five+

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Ugh, I slept for almost half a day and I'm still sleepy.

But atleast I'm back home, yay.

Who am I kidding?

Anyway, sorry for the delay. I just started watching Doctor Who again and you know how it is with Doctor Who.

Packing was boring.

Well, actually it was just stuffing all her stuff into her overnight bag.

Maia wished she didn't have to leave.

Oliver came up to her and put his arm around her.

"I'll never forget that spot."

She looked confused, "The tree?"

Oliver snorted, "We kissed under that tree."

Maia blinked, "Yeah, but we kissed on the log and next to the bushes, and in the tent too. Oh wait, and also the-"

Oliver sighed and pulled her closer, "We kissed under that tree and you told me you loved me for the first time."

Maia could feel herself blush, "Oh." She said, "See, I told you, I'm really bad at this."

Oliver chuckled, "Well then I suppose we're lucky I'm good at this."

Maia smiled, "Yeah, very lucky."

"Okay lovebirds, " Ashley came up to them, "I'll have to split this up. We're leaving."

"Aw," Oliver and Maia said together.

Ashley groaned, "Ugh, you guys make me want to puke."

Maia grinned evilly, "Oh, really. Well, I could mention-"


Oliver looked confused. "What?"

She grabbed his hand, "Oh, nothing. It's a girl thing, really. Let's go."


This chapter sucks. I really feel out of ideas right now. Hopefully it will be better in the morning.

I have work so no, I don't think so.

And thank you so much for a 100 subscribers! I love you guys :D

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